So Much to Keep Up With, Too Fun to Miss Any!

Chris Parsons looks at some peaches starting to develop on one of our trees
Chris Parsons looks at some peaches starting to develop on one of our trees in the garden.

Showe with a beautiful Japanese eggplant from the gardenIt’s a rocking week at the Center! After being away at the NFB Convention for two of our Tuesday gardening days, the Tech classes checked things out this week. Japanese eggplant was ready and everyone got a little excited about the peach tree we planted a couple of years ago. It’s the first year it’s big enough to really bear fruit, and it is!

We have a couple of new ITP students. Also, Will is a grad student at UNC and is doing part of his practicum in Orientation and Mobility with us for three weeks. And Alfred D’Agostino, Chair of the Chemistry Department at Notre Dame of Maryland is hear this week teaching our students the fundamentals of the Talking Lab Quest from Independence Science and its applications in Chemistry. Dr. D’Agostino has taught college chemistry for more than 20 years.

And then there are the mini-meals and so much more happening this week! Like summer kids canoeing and ITP students rock climbing. In fact, Alfred, a former Boy Scout Troop leader, will join the rock climbers tomorrow!

Then it’s Science Day for Summer on Saturday!


Group shot with Alfred D'Agostino, Courtney, Brittany T. Kierra, Richie and Hindley
Alfred D’Agostino, Chair of the Chemistry Department at Notre Dame of Maryland with a group of CCB students

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