Colorado Gives Day on December 8!
It’s only a month away – Colorado Gives Day 2015, and a great opportunity to support our programs and philosophy at the Colorado Center for the Blind! You know that we don’t just teach blindness skills, as important as they are, but aim for that belief in those blindness skills that lead to confidence and…
Our Colorado Gives Day 2014 Results
Thanks to 67 generous donors we raised $12,901 online on December 9, and received another $520 in checks and cash, bringing our total to $13,421! In addition, the online figure makes us eligible for a small portion of the $1 million incentive fund put up by FirstBank and Community First Foundation. A total of $26.2…
Blindness Won’t Hold Us Back
(Editor’s Note: Colorado Gives Day seems like a great time to share this. Sam Barasso graduated from the Center in February of 2014. She’s working at a part-time job and getting ready to return to college. This Face Book post reminded us all that blindness isn’t what holds us back – what holds us back…
Sharing Monday’s 9News Video and Our Thanks
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! We want to thank our friends, family, neighbors and graduates – because the Colorado Center for the Blind wouldn’t be the success that it is without you! On Monday, November 24 we had a tremendous opportunity to share our message and our purpose on Denver’s 9News during five very…