It’s our job at the Colorado Center for the Blind to believe in our students, often well-before they begin to believe in themselves.
“We see you struggle when you first come for training, ” Assistive Technology Instructor Brett Boyer often says, “but we also have the privilege of watching you grow … and it’s always amazing.”
It is a privilege, and a joy. But it’s not a passive observation, because all of our instructors teach, challenge, push a little, pull a little, and encourage all along the way to give our students the opportunity to learn the things that make them increasingly independent and to develop the resilience and ingenuity to continue to learn and grow after the student moves on. Students go on to work or more training or college or, as happens sometimes, back to the work they did before they became blind.

Our instructors can do this because they believe in blind people, and they believe in the alternative techniques we teach. Simply put, they believe in our students, and that belief begins to take root in our students, too. That’s what sets us apart – our instructors, almost all of them blind, nurture that belief in their students. It’s a simple equation: Strong blindness skills + belief in oneself = Success!
And it starts with all of our instructors!
Please support us on Colorado Gives Day, Tuesday, December 7!
You can schedule a gift today, or wait till Tuesday to donate. All gifts received on Tuesday count toward the $1 Million Incentive Fund!