Each student who meets all the requirements for graduation from the Colorado Center for the Blind earns a Freedom Bell. Ringing that bell symbolizes that they are free to pursue the lives they want, free from dependence and lack of blindness skills, ready to challenge society’s low expectations with “Confidence and Self-reliance”.
It’s a very long road, and a difficult one that leads to the day our students get to ring their very own Freedom Bell, but every step is worthwhile!
We believe that the Freedom Bell signifies not only the individual’s new-found freedom, but greater freedom for all blind people from the many misconceptions about blindness and the barriers to full participation that result.
Graduation is a culmination of learning, challenge and growing belief in the potential of oneself and every blind person. Yes, a culmination, but really it’s a beginning … a beginning of a new life – college, career, family. Yes, full participation!
Please support the Colorado Center for the Blind on Colorado Gives Day, Tuesday, December 5.
And we can all help ring that freedom bell!