Make a Colorado Gives donation that celebrates Duncan Larsen and our blind seniors!
Duncan Larsen’s commitment to instilling confidence in all blind people goes back to her earliest professional years in Nebraska. She was one of our founders in 1988 after moving to Colorado. In fact, Duncan was the cane travel instructor on that storied first day when she traveled to the Center with those first students in a blizzard. Since that time, Duncan has changed thousands of lives.
So, we’re dedicating the Senior Resource Room at the Colorado Center for the Blind as the Duncan Larsen Senior Resource Room, and we invite you to designate your 2024 Colorado Gives contribution to Duncan’s legacy.
It’s only fitting. From 2003 to her retirement from the Center in 2023, Duncan Larsen directed Senior Services at the Colorado Center for the Blind through an extraordinary period of growth. When she began, we had a once-a-month senior support group. In 2023, we served more than 150 individuals in three weekly groups at the Center, five monthly groups in outside locations, and made dozens of home visits as well.
But of course, the hundreds of seniors losing vision who met and worked with Duncan remember her for her warmth, genuine concern for others, and her calm intellect. We all miss Duncan at the Center, but even though she “retired” from the Center, it’s pretty tricky tracking her down. And when you get her on the phone, you never know where she might be!

So, you can designate your Colorado Gives contribution this year by selecting “Duncan Larsen” in the “Designation” drop-down on the Colorado Center for the Blind Donate page.
Want to Be Named as a Donor? Make a donation of $250 or more designated to the Duncan Larsen Senior Resource Room and we’ll include your name on the commemorative certificate to be hung in the entrance of the room!
Colorado Gives Day is Tuesday, December 10, but all donations made online or off-line count toward our total, and a percentage of the $1 Million Incentive Fund from First Bank.
Isn’t that great? There’s no need to wait to make your 2024 Colorado Gives donation!
Donate Now for Colorado Gives Day!