Youth Services Director Martin Becerra-Miranda has a lot to share right now – three exciting offerings from the Colorado Center for the Blind for blind youth and their families. We like to think of it as a dazzling summer triple!
First Base
FAST Saturday, May 22
Mort the Mouse Goes on an Adventure is an in-person activity at CCB that involves a tactile children’s book by Ann Cunningham and a scavenger hunt with rewards at the end, but strangely no cheese. Read more and RSVP!
Rounding Second
June 21 to 25 Confidence Camp for youth ages 4 to 10
Confidence Camp is back for the summer of 2021! If your blind or visually impaired child between the ages of 4 and 10 would enjoy a one-week day program focusing on independence and lots of fun, then Confidence Camp is the answer!
Students will work with a certified Teacher of Blind Students as well as blind mentors in a variety of age-appropriate areas such as cane travel, independent living skills, and Braille. Students will also have the opportunity to prepare their own lunch and participate in recreation activities. Students will use a long white cane during the week-long program, and they will also have opportunities to further enhance their non-visual skills by using sleep shades.
Confidence Camp will be held at the Colorado Center for the Blind from Monday June 21 to Friday June 25, 9 am to 3 pm.
If you live in the Denver Metro area and are interested in having your child attend Confidence Camp, please complete the application.
Donations of $100 are welcome, but otherwise there is no cost.
Sliding into Third!
No Limits to Learning
Just a reminder …
The Colorado Center for the Blind is offering a two week-long day program to students in the Denver Metro Area between ages 13 – 21. Space is limited to 12 students and we will take applicants on a first-come first-serve basis.
In this program, students will receive instruction in our four core subject areas of Braille, Technology, Home Management, & Cane Travel in a maximum of 3-to-1 student/staff ratio. They will use sleep shades and a white cane as well as taking part in recreational activities. You can read more about No Limits to Learning
The program will be held Monday through Friday July 19 – July 30, 2021 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The cost of this program is $2,000 and includes tuition, materials, local bus fare, and participation in all program activities. (Note that Blind Low Vision Services can asist with the cost under its Pre-ETS program.)
You’re Just 90 Feet from Home Plate!
If you have any questions, please contact Martin Becerra-Miranda at mbecerra@cocenter.org, or (303)778-1130 Extension 223.