Thanks for coming to this Enrollment Page! We offer a number of academic-year programs for blind and visually impaired youth:
- FAST (Fun Activities and Skills Training)
- Learning Box
- Study Buddies
You can read more about all of these and more on our Youth Programs Page.
The information requested on this Enrollment form helps us in several ways. First, it assists us in knowing a little more about your student before they arrive at the activity you’ve registered them for. This is especially important for Study Buddies, for example, because we want to match tutoring assistance appropriate to the student’s grade level, etc.
The information also helps us understand which activities might be more appealing based on age and grade level. Finally, we can use the numbers (not the names) to report to various grant funders and foundations that support our youth programs.
It also helps you. By voluntarily giving this information to us here, we don’t have to ask some of these questions over and over, meaning you don’t have to answer them over and over!
But having said all that, this information is voluntary, and you are not required to complete this form before registering for our year-round programs. What we want more than anything is to make it as painless as possible for parents/guardians to involve their students in meaningful programs that are enriching and fun, while also supportive of your efforts.
Items with a “*” are required to complete the form.