(Editor’s Note: Colorado Gives Day seems like a great time to share this. Sam Barasso graduated from the Center in February of 2014. She’s working at a part-time job and getting ready to return to college. This Face Book post reminded us all that blindness isn’t what holds us back – what holds us back is sometimes a lack of skills, and always a lack of confidence in ourselves as blind people. It’s why we do what we do at the Center and in the National Federation of the Blind.)
Day 21 of the 30 people I’m thankful for in 30 days goes to the amazing staff at the Colorado Center for the Blind. You guys have become like family. You’ve seen me through many lows and many highs and you never gave up on me. I appreciate that more than I can tell you. You do so much for everyone who steps through those doors and learns from you and you never stop teaching us, even after we’re students.
You teach us so much more than just the subjects you’re required to, you teach us valuable life lessons and you help us all out in so many ways.
Thanks to Julie, Dan, and Brent for not giving up the fight to get me to come to CCB and to be an NFB member, to Mo for understanding my fear of travel and pushing my limits and helping me to overcome it, to Kimberly for being like a mom to me and giving me some of the best advice and listening to me vent. Thanks to Shon for pushing me so hard in the kitchen and having faith in me and my abilities, Maureen and Delfina for being amazing advice givers and keeping me on top of things when I’d get distracted, to stevey P
for also pushing my limits in travel and making me laugh, to Chip for talking Broncos football and putting up with my sometimes ineptitude with technology.
Thanks to Petr for being an amazing residential manager and making cleaning my apartment fun with our laughter and deep conversations, to Jen for being
an amazing friend to me and laughing so much with me while quoting random movies and musicals, and to those not on Facebook, Robert for putting up with me bothering him at the desk, Kinney for creating one of the coolest shop projects ever with me, and of course Tom, for everything.
Thank you all for helping me gain the confidence I needed to succeed in life. I don’t know where I’d be without all of your help and support and I’m forever grateful for all of you.
November 24 at 12:19pmPublic