Staff Directory – Julie Deden

Job Title
Executive Director

Julie Deden began working at the Colorado Center for the Blind in the fall of 1997 and became its Executive Director in March of 1999. She has thirteen years’ experience as a rehabilitation counselor with Colorado DVR and has served in many leadership positions with the National Federation of the Blind. She holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology. Julie has been blind since birth, and for several years she limited herself because of her blindness and her lack of belief and confidence in herself as a blind person. That is one of the reasons she is so passionate about working with students and others so that they will gain belief in themselves in order to live exciting, full lives. Julie says, “There is nothing more exhilarating than seeing a student complete an independent route or shop and prepare a meal. Each accomplishment that is made truly propels all of us towards freedom. I can never give back what I have received from the National Federation of the Blind and the Center!” Julie has a son and enjoys cooking, traveling and reading in her spare time.

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