“STEM: A Hands-On Approach”, a 2-part virtual workshop for Youth Ages 13 to 21

“STEM: A Hands-On Approach”, a 2-part virtual workshop for Youth Ages 13 to 21

June 25, 2020

The Colorado Center for the Blind presents “STEM: A Hands-On Approach”, a 2-part virtual workshop to be held on the dates of June 23 & 25 from 2:00 – 3:30 pm MDT.

The goal of STEM: A Hands-On Approach is to provide students an opportunity to participate in hands-on STEM focused experiences that will allow them to explore and assess their interest in these fields. These activities can help students identify new career options and potentially reinforce a student’s interest in pursuing a career in a STEM field.

Items that will be addressed during this 2-part workshop include but are not limited to:

  • What is STEM?
  • What types of jobs/occupations fall under STEM fields?
  • How can I assess my interest in STEM?
  • How accessible are STEM courses in college?
  • A blind Chemistry major at the Metropolitan State University of Denver will share her experiences and will lead an activity for all to participate in.
  • Students will hear from a member of the Science and Engineering Division of the National Federation of the Blind.

Pre-registration is required.



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