Older Blind Services

Take Charge of Your Life!

Are you experiencing vision loss? At the Colorado Center for the Blind, we believe that this does not need to limit you from leading a full and active life. We have designed our Older Blind Program to help you remain independent. Our staff, both blind and sighted, have the belief and expertise to help you change the way you think about blindness.

Senior Programs Video

Learn about our Older Blind Programs from the participants in this Video

Achieve Success Through Independent Living

We will work with you in your home or at the Center to teach you how to:

  • Prepare meals
  • Go grocery shopping
  • Label food and appliances
  • Access audio books and newspapers
  • Use cellphones and tablets
  • Organize your home effectively
  • Use Braille and large print

The Colorado Center for the Blind will make a difference in your life!

    Older visually impaired individuals often have difficulty with independent living skills necessary to stay in their home. However, with training, these seniors can continue to be fully independent in their home environment. Staff of the Colorado Center for the Blind provides instruction in seniors’ homes in the areas of:

    Support Groups: Shared Successes

    We recognize that losing your vision is not easy. In our support groups, you will be encouraged by others who have dealt with their blindness in a positive way. We have groups that meet weekly for discussion, classes, education, support and fun! These groups take place virtually, at the Center and in the community. Family members are encouraged to attend and participate.

    Coming to the CCB group was the best thing we ever did. It just gave us hope. This is the most positive group you’ll ever meet.” Berni, family member of a blind senior

    Technology Training: Open Up Your World!

    Too often it is easy to feel that use of technology is out of reach. By using specialized techniques and apps, you will be able to use smart phones, email, access the Internet and much more!

    Independent Cane Travel: Get Out and See the World!

    So you’ve given up your car; you don’t need to give up your freedom. We will teach you how to travel safely, use a white cane, and access various forms of transportation.

    Taking Charge Program: Comprehensive Training

    This exciting, multi-day program will give you the confidence you need to remain independent. Included are classes in Braille, cane travel, technology and home management. Together with a small group of your peers, you will learn new skills and challenge yourself in a supportive atmosphere. You will spend several days in classes and live in nearby student apartments or attend our day program.

    The Taking Charge Program gave me the confidence I needed to get out of my house and do the things I had given up, like grocery shopping and going to church.” Marie, age 67

    To receive Older Blind Services, you must be 55 years of age or older.

    Older Blind Staff Directory