Shelby’s graduation on April 8 brought her parents and, grandparents all the way from South Carolina, as well as a family friend who lives in Scotland.
Shelby came to the Center as a brand-new high school grad last summer, and so it was the second time her parents and grandparents had been to the Center – they also came for the summer youth graduation at the end of July.
“When we have students come to us right out of high school and stay for a full training program, we see so much growth in them. That’s certainly true of you, Shelby,” Julie told her as she prepared to present the bell of Freedom. “For your guests, this bell represents a great deal of hard work – hard work that is rewarded with new and greater independence as a blind person. And you have worked so hard and grown somuch in order to earn this bell!””
It’s almost impossible to think about Shelby without thinking of music, too. Her love of music led to the creation of a small, but impressive student choir. Shelby was the director, and they performed during the holidays for our Senior Christmas party and at the NFB of Denver chapter party. In fact, they gave a lovely harmonized rendition of the “Star Spangled Banner” after the bell ceremony.

But Shelby also thrived in challenge rec, getting the nickname “Chipmunk” for her skittering successes on all the most difficult rock climbing walls at Clear Creek Canyon and El Dorado Canyon, not to mention the any number of other activities.of the
Shelby prepared a tasty chili with garlic bread for the entire Center and her guests.
“Its’ about gaining confidence in youself as a blind person,” Julie explained. “Bet you never thought you’d accomplish something like this – cooking for 60 people.”
And with that, the Choir Director took her final bow as a CCB student. Shelby will be attending college as a freshman in the fall in South Carolina!