The Colorado Center for the Blind Youth Programs have been busy in 2016. Brent and others continue to make twice-monthly visits to the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind as part of our ongoing mentoring partnership with CSDB. In January, We worked with 22 students combined in both the Bridges to Life Program and in middle school. The focus for the month was about fitness and we had the kids moving while learning how the foods they eat affect them. Students Activities included jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups and running in the gym.

Then on January 28, we once again partnered with CSDB for the Denver Metro Braille Challenge. We had 14 students in four different testing levels at the Center as they tested their knowledge of Braille in several categories. There were also nearly 20 dedicated teachers and parents here to cheer their students on. We all felt energized as we celebrated the importance of Braille, and competitors reported how much fun they had catching up with old friends and making new ones. 6 of our Independence Training Program students served as proctors for the exams — not to mention they are great role models for the young participants.
On January 30, we hosted an international exchange program which consisted of 32 high school students from around the world who are spending a year with a host family in Colorado. The students learned about Braille, how blind people use technology and travel with a cane. It really was a fun and educational activity not only for the students but also for our ITP students and staff who volunteered to participate in this cultural event.
In the month of January we worked with 75 students and helping them to understand that blindness does not limit you. We are empowering these students to take charge with confidence and to raise their expectations of themselves. These programs and activities will continue to improve the lives of kids who happen to be blind.
Upcoming Events
March 12 – FAST Saturday Program — Fun Activities and Skills Training from 10 am – 2 pm at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. We will be learning all about the dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures with Kat Sartin, a professor from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by the 9.
In April there are 3 great events:
April 9 — Tactile art at the Denver Art Museum
April 15 — A Fair for All – this is a resource fair for people of all ages.
April 22-24 — Snowshoe weekend in partnership with CAER.
And here are the Summer Youth Dates for 2016!