The first-ever meeting of a new Tactile Art Club will meet at CCB from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, January 17. It will be held monthly on the third Tuesday of each month.
Our long-time collaorator and art instructor, Ann Cunningham, CCB alum Jenny Callahan and CCB Tech Instructor Yolanda Thompson hatched the idea, inspired in part by the first-ever NFB Tactile art and Tactile Graphics Symposium held at the National Center for the Blind in Baltimore last December.
“The idea is to grow a community around the idea of access to tactile art and tactile graphics,” Says Ann.
Meetings will be divided into two parts. The first hour or so will be for artists to bring in new works and discuss technical issues with their colleagues. The second part will be a presentation on a specific technique or aspect of making art in the form of presentations by club memters or guests.
Ann will be the first presenter, demonstrating the steps required to make a bronze sculpture. she will show how her process evolves from getting an idea, to gathering reference materials, creating paper models, making an armature and sculpting the clay. Then she will demonstrate how she makes a mold and pours the wax.
If you are interested in multi-sensory approaches to art, please join us!
For more information contact Ann Cunningham at: