The days are hot, but the mornings increasingly cool, almost chilly, and the hot air stirs in the evening. The sound of those breezes, the sound of the leaves, has changed, though – just another tick toward fall.
So we started up art classes with Ann Cunningham again on Monday afternoons and martial arts with Littleton Martial Arts Academy on Tuesday afternoons.
We still have gardening on Tuesday mornings with the Arapahoe County Master Gardeners – it’s all about harvesting now!

Tuesday mornings we have Seniors and NFB of Colorado President Scott LaBarre is here to chat with them, and to hold a philosophy class with our ITP students.
What else? Alex went on his first independent travel route to Romancing the Bean at the Littleton Downtown Light Rail Station.
“The coffee was good,” he said. But really, he was pretty excited about this first step into independent travel.
And Haylee went out on a support drop. She couldn’t tell us where she and her instructor Steve were left off, but she easily described how she got back. And she was a little mad …
“I wouldn’t have even used my question, except the (RTD light rail) F Line’s announcements weren’t working.”
That competitive streak is also what makes her an 85-pound terror on the goal ball court.
That’s how we started the last week of August.