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Events in April–June 2019

  • April’s FAST Saturday at @DenverArtMuseum #TactileTables

    April’s FAST Saturday at @DenverArtMuseum #TactileTables

    April 13, 2019

    Join us for the April Fun Activities and Skills Training (FAST) on Saturday, April 13 at the Denver Art Museum. We’ll be exploring “Treasures of British Art” at DAM’s Tactile Tables. It’s art that is accessible to everyone, except that there is room for only fifteen in our group! Admission to the museum is free.

    Denver Art Museum
    100 W 14th Avenue Pkwy
    Denver, CO 80204

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  • Making Connections That Work for You! 3rd Annual Career and College Seminar

    Making Connections That Work for You! 3rd Annual Career and College Seminar

    May 8, 2019

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