Whew! So this is the way this week has been – really, the entire month!

A small but dedicated cadre of staff and students went out for a good hike on Sunday at Mt. Falcon near Morrison, and just to the south of Red Rocks. Like rock climbing and our Urban Adventures program, we partnered with the National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD) on the hike, which was 6.4 miles round trip, and rising from 6000 feet to 7500 feet in elevation.
Monday certain students attended a Boomers’ Career Fair. We don’t need to call out the attendees by name.
Pipi is teaching a sewing class on Monday afternoons, and they made a trip to get materials this week for their projects.
Ann Cunningham had a room full of artists later Monday afternoon, chiseling and filing and having a great time.
Tuesday Group 3 went rock climbing at El Dorado Canyon with NSCD.

Tuesday was also garden day with the Arapahoe County Master Gardeners. The harvest is slowing down. Still a few things out there, though we’ll soon be putting the garden to bed for the winter.
Our Tuesday Seniors’ group took themselves out to lunch and an audio-described movie at the Alamo Draft House. They all rode the light rail down to Mineral Station and back.
On Wednesday Salem went on her support drop. She made it back by lunch. Cynthia did her Monster Route and a couple of dozen of us met her in downtown Littleton at Merle’s to celebrate.
Today, Thursday, Ahimsa is out on her support drop with Mo.
Tuesday also kicked off a three-day run of Mini-meals. Mini-meals aren’t really mini, except in comparison to the graduation meal. The Mini-meal is prepared at the Center for 15 guests – recipe selection, budgeting, shopping and preparation are all done independently by the student.

So, Tuesday James served a very hearty lasagna with salad and chocolate pie. Wednesday Gwendolyn served both gumbo and jambalaya with ice cream soda and lemon pound cake. (She’s definitely an over-achiever in the kitchen.) Today Jerad is celebrating his 21st birthday with a meal a garlic-chicken-red-pepper-mushroom-paleo-noodle bowl, with cranberry chocolate macadamia nut cookies and sparkling ginger-lemonade.
Man, there’s some good eatin’ around this place!
Friday, Brent is taking a group down to the Springs to begin our mentoring program at the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind middle and high school kids.
And to work off all this great cooking, tomorrow will wrap up the rock climbing season for the Center with the last group’s final trip to Clear Creek. Hard to believe with the daily highs still in the 80s, but people are starting to think about skiing!
September, where did you go?