Wrapping It Up on the Downhill Slope

Graham wraps a gift with Chris Perez and Jackson walking in to do the sameStudents and staff wrapped it up on the downhill side of the year, putting final touches on Secret Santa gifts before our traditional holiday brunch.

This year, we fed on breakfast burritos from Littleton’s GraceFull Cafe, a community cafe whose mission is “to provide a home in the Littleton community where people of all backgrounds can gather, eat well and be inspired to give back.”  We thought we’d give back since, after opening earlier this year, GraceFull has hosted several of our students in internships, including summer youth.

Besides, they serve a wonderful breakfast burrito.

Libby, Chaz and Chip get breakfast burritos out of huge trays in the large kitchen
Looking through the serving window at a large group of people getting breakfast burritos and drinks

Then it’s time to dig under the tree and pass out the gifts, all labeled in Braille, of course. We can’t offer a statistical analysis of correct guesses, but let’s say that maybe one in three guessed correctly, and that’s with three tries.
Shon and CC in line to open gifts, Carrina and Blanca pass them out beside the lighted tree
Afterwards there’s a lot of cleanup, but it goes quickly with so many eager hands on deck. The wrapping paper, the the plates and cups from the meal, and then taking down the tree all happen before the hugs and farewells. Most of our students a much of our staff are on their way to Denver International over the next couple of days.

By noon it’s a skeleton crew, and it sure is quiet around here…

Safe travels and the best of the season everyone!

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