At the Colorado Center for the Blind we expect that blindness does not need to be limiting in any way. With our positive attitude, we have revolutionized the way the public thinks about blindess and have created vibrant programs that change negative myths into positive realities. The following programs form the core of our multi-faceted curriculum.
The Colorado Center for the Blind has developed programs to designed to assist blind people of any age to achieve independence and live the lives they want:
- Our largest and most comprehensive program is the Center’s residential Independence Training Program for adults
- Throughout the year we have a comprehensive youth program designed for elementary, middle-school and high school participants. During the summer there is a Youth programs for college-age, high school, and middle-school students from around the city, state and country. In addition, there’s our three-week Confidence/BELL Camp for elementary-age kids. A day camp, it’s packed with learning and fun!
- There are a variety of opportunities for training and support for blind seniors
- Training for Professionals on Blindness.
Training at the Colorado Center for the Blind encompasses all the skills needed to compete equally with sighted peers; more importantly, it teaches people to have high hopes and high expectations. Our programs give blind people the genuine confidence and skills necessary to take those hopes and dreams to the ultimate conclusion–reality