Just a few weeks away from May 15 and Tom Anderson’s retirement party! The response is exciting – we’ve received more than 70 RSVPs already!
Here are some more details about the party and some info for those who won’t be able to attend:
When: 5 p.m. May 15
Where: Colorado Center for the Blind
2233 W. Shepperd Ave, Littleton, CO 80120
What: Light snacks followed by sandwiches, pasta salad, and retirement cake and a program! There will also be beer and wine.
We open the doors at 5 p.m. on Friday, and the formal program begins at 6:30 with raves and roasts from Diane McGeorge, Duncan Larsen, students past and present, as well as a light-hearted skit. Yes, and we’ll risk giving Tom the mike just one more time!
You can still RSVP – and you should if you plan to come – by calling Robert Dyson at the Center, 303-778-1130, or e-mailing him at rdyson@cocenter.org. You can also </a href=”http://www.cocenter.org/rsvp”>RSVP online.
Make your Testimonial to Tosti
There won’t be enough time on May 15 for all of us to give our thank-yous and best wishes to Tom and Linda. Instead, we will give the opportunity to everyone who attends to make a testimonial to Tom with a Perkins Brailler or to make a short video. These will be collected and shared with Tom and Linda as they head east to Kansas.
Send Your Thanks, Prayers, and Bad Jokes to Tom
If you are unable to make the trek to Littleton on May 15, of course you still may wish to make some comment or other to Tom. After all, Tom’s former students number in the hundreds! We want your letters, MP3 messages or videos. Send Braille of course, but we can emboss e-mail and attachments, too.
Passing the Collection Plate
As we all know, Tom Anderson is a man with a calling. As they retire, he and Linda have little need for more material goods. So instead of bringing a gift for them that they’ll then have to pack and take across the plains, we’re going to pass the collection plate. Cash, checks and deeds to real estate can all be dropped in when we pass the plate. Be generous but light – it all needs to fit into a wallet!
Send testimonials to:
Dan Burke
dburke@cocenter.org, or
c/o Colorado Center for the Blind
2233 W. Shepperd Ave. Littleton, CO 80120
Please send them to Dan so we can collect them all into a lovely memory-box and on a memory card.
Please also send gifts for Tom and Linda to Dan Burke.
See you on May 15!