Maura finished high school last spring and plans to go on to college next year. Before she did that, however, she was determined to obtain the skills she needed to be independent as a blind person so that nothing could hold her back in college, or beyond. We’ll let Maura tell you how it’s going in this post she made last month on Face Book. And we hope you will make a donation today, Colorado Gives Day.
These past few days have been so incredible! On Friday, I completed my second CCB graduation requirement by making my mini meal. This meal is to serve 15 guests and you have to cook 3 dishes. I made rolls, potato soup and Oreo pudding pie, and I had a little over 2 days to shop for and prepare the food from scratch. Everything was a hit, especially the Oreo pie, and I felt so much excitement and energy after all was said and done.
I could not do this without the help and guidance of my Home Management Instructor, Dishon Spears, along with countless others who served, helped clean, and counseled me/kept me company during those awful hours of chopping 16 potatoes.
After I recovered from my cooking adventures, I went to see Phantom of the Opera with Cory on Saturday, thanks to a wonderful human who donated tickets to CCB. The production was fantastic, and the pizza afterward made navigating through that complex theater totally worth it. Yesterday, I chilled out at home with Kelly, Jonathon, and Christina, who graced us with her presence in a killer game of Braille scrabble.
All in all, I am so refreshed and renewed from these experiences, and I feel more and more ready to take my skills back home. Speaking of home, as an added bonus, I am thrilled to come back to Wayne for Thanksgiving this Friday!
Thanks to CCB for continuing to drive home the point that I can live the life I want, and that blindness does not hold me back. #NFB