CCB Featured in America’s Test Kitchen Podcast @Jason_Strother @TestKitchen @pang
In June, 2022 we hosted journalist Jason Strother for a week of training at the Center. Jason, who has worked for years as a free-lance reporter and was headquartered for a time in Seoul, South Korea, was researching a story about how blind people obtain food. Groceries, that is. His interest in this subject is…
Happy Thanksgiving 2022!
Three of our volunteer student servers yesterday. From left to Right, Rhonda, Shirley, and Aaron serve up the cranberry sauces, the sweet potato dishes, and the green bean casserole, respectively. This is the end of the line (except for the dessert table), so by this time there’s precious little real estate on our plates! It…
Turning the Tables: CCB Role Reversal Day 2022
Students from every continent and every epoch imagine, even if only idly, of someday, somehow turning the tables on their teachers. Likely they don’t realize until they have done it, that their teachers also may see such a reversal as an opportunity to return the torment. That’s partly the story of Role Reversal Day 2022,…
Thank You for Our Best Colorado Gives Day, EVER! #Gratitude
This December 7 you surpassed previous years with your support for the Colorado Center for the Blind and our programs for blind people of all ages, making 2021 one of the best we’ve been lucky enough to experience on Colorado Gives Day. And we’ve been part of it from the very beginning. So, we are…
Seniors Are in Charge and In-person This Week at CCB!
Dishon and Olive on the return leg of a travel lesson near the center. Seniors in Charge this year was blessed with lovely fall days. For the first time in two years, our week-long Seniors in Charge is live and in-person at the Colorado Center for the Blind! These four dynamic and intrepid older blind…
Happy Holidays! Thanks to All of You, Lives Change at the Colorado Center for the Blind
Caption: Cristian, Shyanne and Kelly stand in front of the medical vehicle at South Suburban Fire and Rescue Station #12 on December 16. They had just delivered a box of holiday cookies and treats baked by students to on-duty fire fighters. In turn, fire fighters showed students one of the trucks and the medical vehicle.…
“Incredible Days” Lead to Living the Lives We Want! #COGivesDay
Maura visits the vendor area at the 2019 NFB of Colorado Convention. Maura finished high school last spring and plans to go on to college next year. Before she did that, however, she was determined to obtain the skills she needed to be independent as a blind person so that nothing could hold her back…
A Last Look at CCB Thanksgiving 2017
Starting with a little turkey structured discovery right up to the point where we start stuffing our faces, when the videographer puts away his camera to get in line. Even journalism has its natural limits.
Plenty to be thankful for: Our 2017 #Thanksgiving Feast!
There was plenty on Thursday, November 16 – plenty to eat and to be thankful for at our 100-percent student-prepared Thanksgiving Feast! It’s tradition at the Colorado Center for the Blind to hold our own Thanksgiving feast before we break for visits to family and friends on the official holiday. Our students cook it all…
Pie-day Friday
There are always firsts at the Colorado Center for the Blind. For example, today Casey, a relatively new student, went on his first independent route to Romancing the Bean. Sure, he’d been there before, but not traveling on his own. And that’s what makes it a first. Adia has been at the center since August,…