Month: April 2019

  • Signs of Spring

    Omar, Charles and Kameron move picnic tables while Julie and Duncan figure out placement

    Sometimes spring arrives in Colorado in waves that feel like that bad bus driver, the one who alternately steps on the gas and then lets off, again and again, rocking you forward and back into half-nausea. That’s how it’s been this year – 80 degree days followed by an icy blast of wind and snow…


  • College Prep and Falafel @msudenver @ArapahoeCC

    Shaun, Davina, Loren, Mikayla and Dan cross at Church and Prince on the way to ACC

    Over the past couple of weeks, the college prep class has visited local campuses. Our thanks the staff at Metro’s Access Center and Arapahoe CC’s Student Access Services for sharing their time and expertise with us during our recent visits. When a blind student leaves high school and goes to college, the world tilts a…


  • April’s FAST Saturday at @DenverArtMuseum #TactileTables

    Tactile art at the Denver Art Museum

    Join us for the April Fun Activities and Skills Training (FAST) on Saturday, April 13 at the Denver Art Museum. We’ll be exploring “Treasures of British Art” at DAM’s Tactile Tables. It’s art that is accessible to everyone, except that there is room for only fifteen in our group! Admission to the museum is free.…


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