Month: January 2022

  • Colorado Center for the Blind 2022 Summer Youth Programs

    A raft of summer youth lets out a yell as they dive into a churning hole of white water on Clear Creek.

    Build skills and gain confidence! Program Description  This 3-week residential  program will provide each student with the tools that they need to move forward in high school, college or on a job. You will: Live in an apartment with a counselor and a roommate.Learn from competent blind adults who use blindness skills daily.Plan, shop and…


  • Charity From Ashes: Colorado Center for the Blind Students Organize Donation Drive for Avista Hospital NICU Babies

    Taylor and Amanda hold up donated knitted preemie caps and a onesie

    The CCB Student Association has already collected many items, as well as Amazon gift cards to help out Avista’s NICU babies. Amanda Juetten (President) and Taylor Oesch (Parliamentarian) show off some of the donations, which include blankets, caps, t-shirts and more. With the start of any new year, hopes are high that the trials and…


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