Summer students take their shot with water rockets!
Saturday, July 16 was our Summer Science Seminar. With 24 summer youth we divided into three groups and rotated between three science activities. Martin strapped on the Go Pro and followed all three groups through their water rocket activity with Jamie Principato, a blind physics student who just finished her Associate’s degree at Arapahoe Community…
Summer Interns at @TheRightStepInc Braille the Saddle Bags
Christina, Keaton and Marie are working as interns for our long-time partners, The Right Step this summer. In fact, it’s Marie’s second year in our summer program and working at The Right Step. Their work includes cleaning stalls, cleaning old horse shoes to be reused, cleaning tack and taking care of the horses. This morning…
So Much to Keep Up With, Too Fun to Miss Any!
It’s a rocking week at the Center! After being away at the NFB Convention for two of our Tuesday gardening days, the Tech classes checked things out this week. Japanese eggplant was ready and everyone got a little excited about the peach tree we planted a couple of years ago. It’s the first year it’s…
Hitting the Wave: Summer Students Go Rafting
We’re back! The 2016 Convention of the National Federation of the Blind, which all staff and students in our Independence Training Program and our summer students attended in Orlando from June 30 to July 5. Everyone flew back last Wednesday. Summer students and staff had just one day to do laundry, get groceries in their…
Breaking Blind: How a Blind Person Washes a Car
If you didn’t know it already, Maureen is diva of the Breaking Blind YouTube channel. Teaching Home Management at the Colorado Center for the Blind is just her day job. This video was shot late last summer, and is timely now that the weather’s finally turned hot again …
Peter’s Alabaster Horse
Tactile art classes, taught by sculptor Ann Cunningham, have been a unique part of training at the Colorado Center for the Blind since the 1990s. Students might work in stone, clay, make tactile drawings with Ann’s Sensational Drawing Board, or go wherever their creative sense pulls them. Just before his graduation from the Center and…
Comcast Cares Volunteers at Work
Heress a brief video from Comcast Cares Day 2016. It’s a 360p-degree look at volunteers at work outside at the Colorado Center for the Blind on the morning of April 30.
Alum Reem Graduates CC of Aurora with 4.0
(Editor’s Note: This press release was forwarded to us by the Community College of Aurora, and it is certainly worthy to be shared with all. Congratulations to Reem!) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DISABLED STUDENT RISES TO THE CHALLENGE TO GRADUATE Reem Hamodi Graduates with 4.0 GPA May 9, 2016 – Aurora, CO – When Reem Hamodi…
April Snow Showers, Community & Comcast Cares
We’re still buzzing with the excitement of last Saturday. It’s not just the work, but it’s spirit of the folks who came and the shared effort! Saturday, April 30 dawned to several inches of wet snow on the Center’s grounds, and temperatures in the mid-30s. The rain mixed with snow continued all morning and afternoon,…
What Color Is Tuesday? Haylee’s Speech
This is Haylee’s speech for our short-term public speaking class, given last fall before she graduated. Not only did we learn about synesthesia from Haylee, we also learned during the question-and-answer segment (not shown) from Tabea how she and her sister Sarah argued as children over things like what color Tuesday was. They both had…