Tag: HowEyeSeeIt

  • Hindley Can Take the Heat #HowEyeSeeIt

    Hindley loves to cook and entertain, something she learned from positive role models. She gives her thoughts on the negative impact of the #HowEyeSeeIt challenge.


  • The Blind Sniff Test: Maureen & Delfina Call #HowEyeSeeIt Video Out

    Two women touch glasses

    Does blindness cause people to be unable to tell the difference between water and vinegar? That’s what one #HowEyeSeeIt video concludes. Two of our Home Management Instructors suggest that there’s more than a whiff of the ridiculous in that.


  • Jackson Can Cross the Street, Can Get the Girl – #HowEyeSeeIt

    Reads Jackson How Eye See It

    Okay, this is really not about finding a girlfriend, but it is about Jackson developing the skills and confidence to be an independent blind person. And what’s not attractive about that? He gives his thoughts on the #HowEyeSeeIt challenge as well.


  • It’s Not Hard, But It It Is Serious: #HowEyeSeeIt

    Warren is interested in becoming a blind vendor after graduation on October 5. That’s why he took on the task of working with the Center soda machine. He gives us his thoughts on the HowEEyeSeeIt challenge – a fund-raising campaign that invites participants to mimick blindness and call for funding a cure.


  • Matt Can Type – It’s Not a Challenge! #HowEyeSeeIt

    Believe it or not, the HowEyeSeeIt campaign hsows folks who are convinced they couldn’t type without their vision. Elementary thinking, and a pretty basic skill that Matt mastered long ago.


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