The Maker of Indian Cuisine: Trevor’s Mini-meal
Trevor has a degree in Physics, is a bit of an inventor, more than just a dabbler in the maker movement, and he takes his tinkerer’s inclinations to the kitchen. “How does?” and “What if?” are part of what makes us human, so they are naturally encouraged in our training program.
Pleased to host #BrailleChallenge and the #SRC all today!
Yes, we’re pleased and excite to be the host site for the Braille Challenge for 2017! Fifteen Metro-area students ages 6 to 17 are here to demostrate their skils in reading, writing and more using Braille. It’s our third year to host the Metro Challenge, which is sponsored by the Braille Institute of America and…
Tactile Art Club to Hold First Meeting Jan. 17 at CCB
The first-ever meeting of a new Tactile Art Club will meet at CCB from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, January 17. It will be held monthly on the third Tuesday of each month. Our long-time collaorator and art instructor, Ann Cunningham, CCB alum Jenny Callahan and CCB Tech Instructor Yolanda Thompson hatched the idea, inspired…
Kimberley’s Retirement Party Brings Surprise Guests
Kimberley was indeed surprised when Tom and Linda Anderson showed up at the Center today all the way from Kansas. They’re in town for her retirement party tonight. It was a little tricky keekping it a secret … Tom and Linda’s coming, not the party. Many of Kimberley McCutcheon’s Face Book Friends will already know…
It’s Going on! Jackson’s Mini-meal for Fifteen
Planning, preparing and serving a three-recipe meal to 15 people is no small matter. Jackson admits at one point he was getting nervous, but he tried to treat the process as a “regular day in class”. He definitely had it going on with his mini-meal!
Summer Students Spoof Their Summer Counselors
Unheard of, we know. But our 2016 summer students gained so much confidence they decided to spoof their summer counselors and Brent in an imagined staff meeting. Shockingly accurate … https://youtu.be/VYMA8RXTOvo
First Day Back: 2017 Is Underway!
Classes started today for 2017, and on top of that it’s Tuesday – meaning that Seniors came in to the Center as well! After two weeks off folks were pretty happy to be back in spite of a bit of cold weather! Here is a collection of sights and sounds from the day, and here’s…
Happy New Year! Here’s to all of our 2017 students taking charge with confidence!
In 2016 31 CCB students received their Freedom Bell – the symbol that they completed all the requirements to graduate from the Center. As we start classes again on Tuesday, January 3, let’s wish our students of 2017 the same success and the confidence to take charge with self-reliance so that they can live the…
A Holiday Gift from the 2016 CCB Choir
This year our CCB Choir formed itself in about a week under the direction of student Julie McGinnity, then went caroling at the Littleton Light Rail Station, outside Romancing the Bean Coffee shop. The next day they gave a performance at the Seniors’ Holiday Party. Mostly students, but with a couple of staff voices as…
#BreakingBlind: How a Blind Person Makes Fudge, @WEFitwellness @MBassmaster
What could be more fitting on the shortest day of the year than a video about making fudge? Here’s Maureen with another Breaking Blind video with a holiday theme!