Category: General Colorado Center Information

  • Letter to friends and supporters from President of the NFB of Colorado, Scott C. LaBarre and the Executive Director of CCBJulie Deden

    6 Dot Dash 5K Logo

    Editor’s Note: This letter has been widely distributed this week, but we decided to risk repeating ourselves by posting it here because we very much hope you will join us for the NFB of Colorado Comcast 6 Dot Dash on Sunday. It’s going to be a lot of fun! Dear Family and Friends, In recent…


  • Kansas Comings & Goings Today at CCB

    Luther Fuller of Kansas reading Braille before the National Braille Challenge

    The NFB of Kansas President dropped by for a quick visit and tour this afternoon. Tom Page and his friend Nicole are in the area with Tom’s string band, the Haymakers. They played in Colorado Springs last night and will be in Denver at Cervantes’ Other Side tonight. Though a number of Kansas students have…


  • Blind people need to know about colors too, & Other First-day-of-summer Lessons

    Cadence shows how to tell which one is her Backpack on the hooks

    That was one of the first lessons of the first day of summer for Confidence Camp kids this morning. “If someone asks you what your backpack looks like, what are you going to tell them?” the lesson continued. Yes, Monday began with learning for the 10 5 to 12-year-olds. It went on from there, including…


  • The First Week of Summer Means Lots of Firsts

    Amber using a shovel in the garden for the 1st time with Annette and Barb

    No matter what the calendar says, it’s the first week of summer. The temps are in the 90s, the garden is being planted and summer staff are shadowing their ITP staff counterparts. Friday 25 teenagers (summer students) begin arriving and on Monday the elementary Confidence Camp kids start too. So here’s another first or two.…


  • Another Sign of Spring: Master Gardeners & the Legacy Garden #ShareLittleton

    Tyler holds up a weed with a root over a foot long that he dug down deep to get out

    It’s yet another sign of spring when the Arapahoe County Master Gardeners first arrive to work with our students in the Legacy Garden. Of course, everything starts with getting the soil ready for planting and, after our spring rains, that means pulling out the eager weeds already leaping up. Tyler, Annette, Abdi, Tucker and Brad…


  • Shout out to @DirtCoffee #ShareLittleton

    Here are a couple of pics taken this morning at the Dirt Coffee Bar in downtown Littleton. Dirt is a nonprofit operation dedicated to employment for people with Autism and we knew we had a lot of values in common when they called us to ask about Braille menus and board games for the shop…


  • Technology Giveaway in Memory of Former Summer Student, Staffer Megan Bening

    Grinning, Megan shows the Apple watch on her wrist to the camera

    We want to tell people about the Megan Bening Memorial Fund Technology Giveaway by the National Organization of Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC) because it will put over $10,000 of technology into the hands of blind and low vision students. But we also want to tell you about it because Megan Bening was one of…


  • Hard Work & Passion for What You Do Are Key to Making Connections

    Dianne Primavera and Judy Mares-Dixon at the podium

    More than 130 were in attendance on April 17 for our second annual “Making Connections That Work for You: A Career and College Seminar”. From the beginning in the morning with two phenomenal keynote speakers untl the last breakout ended at 3 p.m., it was a day to learn about the world of work and…


  • #Accessible #TactileArt with @ArtACunningham at @DenverArtMuseum on “@_EyesOnSuccess

    Ann explores tactile art with a group of blind students at the Denver Art Museum

    Our long-time art instructor and national leader in tactile access to art and science Ann Cunningham was in the artists’ make-a-space at the Denver Art Museum (DAM) in February. A group from the Colorado Center for the Blind visited DAM and Ann’s exhibit and art-making on February 9. The collaboration between DAM and Ann caught…


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