May 2017 CCB Students of the Month
Dugan (left) and Ceci (right) were chosen by CCB staff to be May’s Students of the Month. Each received a $5 gift card to Romancing the Bean, the nearby coffee shop at the Littleton Downtown Station. Dugan is from St. Louis, and was recognized for the hard work and determination he has shown in his…
February’s Students of the Month
For our second month of recognizing Students of the Month, staff selected Trevor and Jackson. At announcements this morning, Julie Deden talked about Trevor’s willingness to work hard under sleepshades, as well as always being willing to help out. Last month he volunteered to clear a stretch of sidewalk of snow and ice along S.…
Announcing our first Students of the Month – January 2017!
And the first-ever winners are Hindley (who graduated on Feb. 16) and Lyne! Hindley was chosen by CCB staff to be recognized for her leadership and her personal drive to learn as much as she could while a student here. She was Student Association for one 3-month term and not only learned to cook, but…