Quinoa and Kale? CCB and BLVS Partner Under Shades to Make it Tasty!
We were pleased to have three professionals from Blind Low Vision Services, part of Colorado’s Dept. of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) at the Center for training this week. We spent four days together exploring every topic we could think of, including cane travel and cooking under sleepshades. We’ll let them introduce themselves and the meal they…
Nonvisual Feedback Loop: Testing Dominion’s Accessible Voting System
We were pleased to host usability testing of Dominion’s electronic voting system on February 13 and 14. Students, staff, seniors and alums took the system for a spin and provided feedback to Dominion’s engineers. We’re especially excited to partner on this project because Dominion will provide electronic voting systems to every county in Colorado for…
Dates & Applications for 2017 Residential Summer Youth Programs Available
Sure, it was an unlucky 13 degrees this morning and one-third of our ITP students are on the slopes today, so why not start thinking about Summer 2017? Here are the dates of all three residential programs. Summer for Success College Prep Program Ages: completed junior year in high school with focus on college Program…
Pleased to host #BrailleChallenge and the #SRC all today!
Yes, we’re pleased and excite to be the host site for the Braille Challenge for 2017! Fifteen Metro-area students ages 6 to 17 are here to demostrate their skils in reading, writing and more using Braille. It’s our third year to host the Metro Challenge, which is sponsored by the Braille Institute of America and…
Tactile Art Club to Hold First Meeting Jan. 17 at CCB
The first-ever meeting of a new Tactile Art Club will meet at CCB from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, January 17. It will be held monthly on the third Tuesday of each month. Our long-time collaorator and art instructor, Ann Cunningham, CCB alum Jenny Callahan and CCB Tech Instructor Yolanda Thompson hatched the idea, inspired…
Happy New Year! Here’s to all of our 2017 students taking charge with confidence!
In 2016 31 CCB students received their Freedom Bell – the symbol that they completed all the requirements to graduate from the Center. As we start classes again on Tuesday, January 3, let’s wish our students of 2017 the same success and the confidence to take charge with self-reliance so that they can live the…
#BreakingBlind: How a Blind Person Makes Fudge, @WEFitwellness @MBassmaster
What could be more fitting on the shortest day of the year than a video about making fudge? Here’s Maureen with another Breaking Blind video with a holiday theme!
#Breaking Blind: How a Blind Person Makes Sugar Scrub, @WEFitwellness @MBassmaster
Here’s the first of a couple of holiday videos from our own Maureen’s Breaking Blind channel. Because … well, there might still be a few people who haven’t run across it yet!
Reblog: Grafton’s Chaz Davis has a surprising finish
Editor’s Note: We thought this hometown article about our student Chaz and his American record in his first-ever marathon last month well worth the read. Needless to say, we’re excited for him and proud of his achievements! By John Conceison It’s always fine when a competitor thrives during an Olympic year. For Grafton’s Chaz Davis,…
Do Your Final Shopping at smile.amazon.com & Support Us
Only a few days and hours to shop online, so why not make your holiday gift-giving go a little further still? Amazon’s Smile program donates 0.5 percent of your purchase amount to the charity of your choice, and that could be the Colorado Center for the Blind. Just go to smile.amazon.com and select CCB as…