Breaking Blind: How a Blind Person Washes a Car
If you didn’t know it already, Maureen is diva of the Breaking Blind YouTube channel. Teaching Home Management at the Colorado Center for the Blind is just her day job. This video was shot late last summer, and is timely now that the weather’s finally turned hot again …
Alyssa’s Mini-meal
Holiday Season at the Center
The holiday season is always a busy time as well as a family time, and it’s no different with our Colorado Center for the Blind family. While many were preoccupied with Cyber Monday, we brought in our tree and decorated it in the meeting room. Cookies were baking in all three ovens in the kitchen.…
Guys in the Kitchen Week
They had both kitchens to themselves on Tuesday as Home Management staff took other students on shopping trips in advance of the NFB of Colorado convention next week. Daniel and Marcus spread out and did their work – both preparing for their mini-meals, which is the second of three major meal requirements in Home Management.…
I’m Not Staying in my room anymore!
Six remarkable women made up our late-summer Seniors in Charge the week of August 31 to September 4. Ranging in age from 58 to 90, it didn’t take long to figure out that each of them were accomplished, dynamic people, and had been all their lives. They came to Seniors in Charge because they intend…