Category: Youth Services

  • Summer Interns at @TheRightStepInc Braille the Saddle Bags

    Christina, Keaton and Marie are working as interns for our long-time partners, The Right Step this summer. In fact, it’s Marie’s second year in our summer program and working at The Right Step. Their work includes cleaning stalls, cleaning old horse shoes to be reused, cleaning tack and taking care of the horses. This morning…


  • Bring Your Snowshoes, Just in Case!

    Two men grin at the camera with snowy mountains behind them

    Twenty-four blind and visually-impaired Front Range youth spent the weekend of April 22-24 in Estes Park. It had been planned as a snow-shoe trip, but instead the kids and 9 adults took a 6-and-ahalf mile hike in Rocky Mountain Park. For the past couple of years the Center has cosponsored a snowshoeing trip for blind…


  • Summer Youth Dates for 2016!

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    Maybe you didn’t know this, but summer is pretty busy around the Colorado Center for the Blind … or maybe you’ve noticed. In case you didn’t know, each summer we run a number of distinct summer programs for youth, from Confidence Camp to College Prep, we have something to build skills an confidence from ages…


  • Holiday Season at the Center

    The holiday season is always a busy time as well as a family time, and it’s no different with our Colorado Center for the Blind family. While many were preoccupied with Cyber Monday, we brought in our tree and decorated it in the meeting room. Cookies were baking in all three ovens in the kitchen.…


  • Holiday Message from the Director

    Two men and a womanadd sleepshades and white cane to their snow person that has a carrot nose.

    We at the Colorado Center for the Blind appreciate your support! As a result of Colorado gives day we raised over $20,000. These funds will make it possible for us to serve more kids this summer in our Confidence camp and will also provide us with funds so that we can meet more seniors who…


  • Shark Dissection Day This Friday!

    teacher and student bend over a dog shark

    For most of us, the run up to the Thanksgiving holiday doesn’t conjure thoughts of sharks, but it does here at the Colorado Center for the Blind. That’s because for nearly a decade, Arapahoe Community College’s Biology Professor Terry Harrison has been conducting his shark dissection here with blind kids from around the Denver Metro…


  • Colorado Gives Day on December 8!

    Colorado Gives Day ad for December 8, 2015

    It’s only a month away – Colorado Gives Day 2015, and a great opportunity to support our programs and philosophy at the Colorado Center for the Blind! You know that we don’t just teach blindness skills, as important as they are, but aim for that belief in those blindness skills that lead to confidence and…


  • September, where did you go?

    A view fo Denver's skyline from the foothills

    Whew! So this is the way this week has been – really, the entire month! A small but dedicated cadre of staff and students went out for a good hike on Sunday at Mt. Falcon near Morrison, and just to the south of Red Rocks. Like rock climbing and our Urban Adventures program, we partnered…


  • A Fitting Finale: Summer Youth Programs 2015

    Students and counselors lined up in choir fashion singing

    The Summer Youth Programs for 2015 ended July 29 with a talent show, and this fitting finale dedicated to Youth Services Director Brent Batron:  


  • Taking a Prehistoric Journey by Touch

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    March’s FAST Saturday will involve taking a journey through prehistory with our hands at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Blind kids participating will be putting their hands on actual fossil bones as well as plaster cast replicas – it might even mean holding fossilized dinosaur poop. I said it’s fossilized! it’s all coming…


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