Category: General Colorado Center Information

  • Thank You for Your Support in 2023!

    Julie stands and smiles while holding her white cane near the CCB logo in the Center Lobby

    (Editor’s Note:  Executive Director Julie Deden sent The letter below to the 117 donors to the Colorado Center for the Blind on Colorado Gives Day. That number doesn’t count the twenty or so students, staff, and especially seniors who contributed cash totaling $284. Nor would it include all of our supporters who give in ways…


  • A Long Way in a Short Time – Support Us on Colorado Gives Day!

    Fitz stands and smiles with his White Cane near the CCB Logo

    When Fitz came to the center as a student, he really didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life, simply because he had no idea what he could do. As an Independence Training Program (ITP) student, Fitz has been finding his own identity as a blind person. With what he thought of as…


  • A Note for Giving Tuesday on Our Students Giving Back

    Five blind people unpack, carry and shelve food items along with a food bank staffer.

    Giving back is meaningful. Here, Rose and Aaron unpack a newly-delivered box at the food bank. D carries a box, while IFCS staffer Tara brings over a cart stacked with cartons. Eliza and Greg shelve items from the cart for later distribution. Our students and staff volunteer once a month at nearby IFCS, and every…


  • Shared Visions 2023: It’s open till Dec. 5 @ArapahoeCC

    a young black woman holding a white cane reads the Braille title on the wall beside a tactile piece

    Bella reads the accessible Braille sign at the 2023 Shared Visions exhibit. We know that blind people can do anything, and that includes creating and enjoying art. It just needs to be tactilely accessible to us. Since 2014, we’ve partnered with Arapahoe Community Colloege’s Dept. of Art and Design in an art show that does…


  • From Handshakes to Headway

    Business handshake

    The Colorado Center for the Blind is presenting a dynamic career and college seminar on September 28. We’re sure to have something for everyone, whether you are looking for information about jobs and careers, planning for education and opportunities, or seeking inspiration from the journeys of successful blind people. But the deadline to register is…


  • Older Blind Show There’s More Than One Way to Get the Ball Down the Lane

    Cane tucked under his right arm, Andrew leans forward after his left-handed release. The ball speeds down the lane toward 3 standing pins.

    Earlier in May a group of our older blind folks went off to Moe’s Original Bar-B-Que & Bowling on South Broadway for a morning of active fun. These photos attest to the truth that there’s more than one way to get the ball down the lane!      


  • Mother’s Day Breakfast at CCB

    Six men face the camera across the kitchen island , some holding spatulas and one giving a double thumbs-up

    The guys arrived very early so the breakfast would be ready to serve right after announcements. In all more than 20 female students enjoyed the meal. Left to right, the cooks are Noah, Ernest, Florentino, Shane, Dave, and Mason. Julie Deden holds her mock mimosa in a fluted glass.


  • May the Fourth Be with You!

    Jedi Master Acheson

    Tech Instructor Charlie Acheson shown in front of the CCB logo in his Jedi tunic, robe and wielding his blue light saber Yes Star Wars fans, it’s May the Fourth Be with You today. And in honor of this day, Jedi Tech Instructor Charlie Acheson came in his Jedi robe and with his light saber.…


  • 2023 Summer Youth Programs

    Ty and Seamus standing with their canes waiting on the train

    Confidence Camp/BELL Academy Dates: June 12 through June 23 Ages: 5 to 10 Location: Colorado Center for the Blind 2233 W Shepperd Ave. Littleton, CO 80120 Program Description This two-week day program will be filled with learning, challenge and fun. Your child will meet competent blind role models who will work with the kids on…


  • In Memoriam Scott LaBarre: A Statement on his Passing

    Scott LaBarre at the podium

    The following message is from the National Federation of the Blind, the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado, and the Colorado Center for the Blind. It has been a difficult year of loss for the circle of friendship we share in our movement. We regretfully share the devastating loss of Scott LaBarre, who passed…


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