Category: General Colorado Center Information

  • A Magical Evening

    Three people stand at the front of a dimly-lit gym

    It was a magical evening. May 15 marked the end to a long career at the Colorado Center for the Blind for Tom Anderson. More than 150 people came to send Tom and Linda off to Kansas after 27 years teaching Braille – and several other duties. We fed them, and gave the tribute to…


  • A Summer Student’s Poem

    A smiling young woman wearing sleepshades

    Help By Marie Frackiewicz (Editor’s Note: Marie was one of our Summer Youth 2015 students. She read this poem as part of the talent show on July 29. This week, she headed back to high school.) My heads spinning like a crashing airplane. My voice is broken like an old record. My courage is shattered…


  • The Last Week of July 2015

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    It’s the last week of July, and at the Colorado Center for the Blind we’re fighting the feeling that summer is almost over. We know that there are still weeks of hot weather, lovely warm Colorado evenings to enjoy. But that vague anxiety is fueled as the last week of July saw our 22 summer…


  • Seniors in Charge – Better Believe it!

    A senior woman and man explore a Braille cell with touch

    by Diane McGeorge (Editor’s Note: Seniors in Charge is a five day sleep shade training for Colorado seniors. It is offered three times per year and two of those sessions participants stay in our McGeorge Mountain Terrace Apartments. This gives us the opportunity to work with Seniors from outside the Denver Metro area. The goal,…


  • Our Legacy Garden: Planting Day 2015

    Man wearing sleepshades breaks clods of soil between his hands

    Summer Tuesdays are gardening days at the Center, but with all the rain (and even a couple of late snows) it came down to June 2 as the drop-dead date for planting this year. It was just too wet till that late Tuesday to consider digging and planting. For many years now we’ve had the…


  • Some Final Party Particulars

    Tom Anderson reading Braille with a student

    Just a few weeks away from May 15 and Tom Anderson’s retirement party!  The response is exciting – we’ve received more than 70 RSVPs already! Here are some more details about the party and some info for those who won’t be able to attend: When:  5 p.m. May 15 Where: Colorado Center for the Blind…


  • Make a Toast to Toasty!

    Tom Anderson in a latter-day purple velvet suit beside CCB's sign

      On January 4, 1988 two feet of snow lay on the ground in Denver, and the temperature was around ten below zero. It was the first day of classes at the new Colorado Center for the Blind. Miles “Tom” Anderson was there. In fact, it fell to Tom as Residential Manager to help Travel…


  • Wayne’s Word of the Week

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    (For the past year or so, Wayne Marshall has been sharing a “word of the week” on Wednesday and then discussing it on Friday. Below is an article Director Julie Deden included about this in the January-February CCB Newsletter. We’ll begin posting Wayne’s Words on Face Book and Twitter.) Message from the Director Every week…


  • Emily’s Oz: The Comcast Press Release

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    COMCAST BRINGS VOICE GUIDED TELEVISION TO COLORADO Company Partners with Local Disability Groups Across the Country to Introduce New Technology to More People “Talking Guide” Reads Aloud Channel Names, Show Titles and DVR Commands; National Commercial Set To Air During Academy Awards DENVER, CO – February 20, 2015 – Comcast today announced it is partnering…


  • Breaking Blind’s Virtual Tour of the Center

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    We’re off for the holiday break, so it seems like a good time to share Breaking Bad’s virtual tour of the Center from YouTube. It’s not really as quiet at the Center right now as the day the video was shot — a remodeling project started on Monday, December 22. It’s also a lot colder!


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