Category: Youth Services

  • Oh, the sweet summer scent of sunscreen wafting through the lobby! #ConfidenceCamp17

    two little girls dangle feet into the pool

    Swimming, paddling, rock climbing – every afternoon there’s something fun going on at Confidence Camp. In the morning – the learning looks just as fun! Learning to use the microwave, making lunch … and always traveling with white canes and taking the light rail and the bus somewhere fun … like horseback riding today!


  • They’re coming today, the #CCBSummer17 students! 2016tells what’s ins store:

    Summer staff with canes crossed in the air

    That’s right, Summer 2017 students are all arriving today by planes, … well automobiles at least. Their counselors have been here for nearly two weeks, getting classrooms and apartments ready, creating lesson plans and getting in touch with the students – even finding out what them might like for dinner tonight! It’s the start of…


  • There’s a Commotion in the Lobby, and It’s #ConfidenceCamp17!

    A teaher addresses students seated in a circle around her.

    By 9 Monday morning the commotion in the lobby was reaching a crescendo. Fifteen Confidence Campers were arriving for the first of three weeks of learning blindness skills, having fun and yes – becoming more confident as small blind people! The commotion arose from parents dropping the campers off, connecting or reconnecting with their teachers…


  • Beeping Easter Eggs with @TelecomPioneers & Warm Weather Youth Plans

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    Editor’s Note: An update from our Youth Services Director Brent Batron about what’s coming tomorrow and through the summer for blind youth. Usually the second Saturday of each month is the FAST program at the Center, however this month we will be participate in the Pioneers Easter Egg Hunt! Information is below. Other upcoming events…


  • Dates & Applications for 2017 Residential Summer Youth Programs Available

    Thomas about to board the RTD Bus

    Sure, it was an unlucky 13 degrees this morning and one-third of our ITP students are on the slopes today, so why not start thinking about Summer 2017? Here are the dates of all three residential programs. Summer for Success College Prep Program Ages: completed junior year in high school with focus on college Program…


  • Announcing Dates for the 2017 CONFIDENCE CAMP FOR KIDS

    Cloe leaping from a paddle board during Confidence Camp

    Come join us for our Elementary Summer day Program! June 5 through June 23  9:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday through Friday  For ages 5-11Once again, The Colorado Center for the Blind is sponsoring our interactive, three week program for blind and visually impaired children ages five through eleven. The highly qualified staff, including two…


  • Pleased to host #BrailleChallenge and the #SRC all today!

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    Yes, we’re pleased and excite to be the host site for the Braille Challenge for 2017! Fifteen Metro-area students ages 6 to 17 are here to demostrate their skils in reading, writing and more using Braille. It’s our third year to host the Metro Challenge, which is sponsored by the Braille Institute of America and…


  • Summer Students Spoof Their Summer Counselors

    Unheard of, we know. But our 2016 summer students gained so much confidence they decided to spoof their summer counselors and Brent in an imagined staff meeting. Shockingly accurate …


  • We’re Excited – Thanks for a Successful #COGivesDay 2016!

    Cloe leaping from a paddle board during Confidence Camp

    Our 2016 Colorado Gives Day was our most successful ever, and we want to thank all of our friends and new acquaintances who helped make it so! In all, we received $15,230 via the online Colorado Gives web site, and all of that counts toward a share of the $1 million Incentive Fund offered by…


  • Kneading bread and philosophy together: Support us on #COGivesDay

    Tabea kneads dough with both hands

    Philosophy bakes no bread. Philosopher Bertrand Russell said that. But a wise man we know once pointed out that no bread is baked without philosophy. Tabea graduated from CCB in 2016 and has gone on to graduate school. She knows that our belief in our blind students is the yeast that leavens the bread of…


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