Seniors: The Work Goes On After the Camera Goes Off
While we received exciting coverage on 9News at the Center along with National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD) for Colorado Gives Day, and tracked our total as it rose, Tuesday, December 8 was a lot like every other day at the Center. That is, business as usual while potentially life-altering – one small step…
“White Christmas” from the CCB Student Choir
As the air warms and the snow begins to melt, as our students and some staff head for the airport after the delays and canellations of mid-week’s storm have sorted theselves out, here’s a holiday message from (most) of our self-assembled student choir at the Center:
Help Our Students Hit Their Mark on Colorado Gives Day!
The Colorado Center for the Blind uses innovative techniques to teach proven blindness skills to our students, but the secret to our success is the confidence our students gain in themselves – the confidence to take aim at their dreams and hit their mark! December 8 is Colorado Gives Day, and you can help our…
Watch us on 9News with NSCD on Colorado Gives Day!
9News will be with us at the Center for Colorado Gives Day tomorrow morning! Our long-time collaboration with National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD) will be spotlighted between 5:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. on 9News. The NSCD Moves obstacle course will be featured in a couple of segments, with Center students and staff in…
Breaking Blind on “Shared Visions” Tactile Art Exhibit
The “Shared Visions” exhibit at Arapahoe Community College’s Colorado Gallery of the Arts on November 19 and 20 was a big success, featuring numerous multi-media and very tactile paintings by students in Nathan Abels‘ painting classes, as well as pottery pieces from joint activities between Center students in Ann Cunningham‘s art classes here and those…
Shopping Online? Choose Us on Amazon Smile
Make the most of your online shopping this year – buy the wonderful holiday gifts you want, and support the Colorado Center for the Blind. Amazon’s Smile program contributes a small percentage of each eligible purchase to your selected nonprofit, and the Colorado Center for the Blind is on the list. Just go to smile.amazon.com…
Happy 75th Birthday NFB!
The national Federation of the Blind turns 75 today! The NFB was formed in 1940 to bring the collective voice of the blind into being. Blind people in 1940 had little chance to be employed in meaningful jobs or to attend college. Some did, and in a number of states the blind had organized. On…
Shark Dissection Day This Friday!
For most of us, the run up to the Thanksgiving holiday doesn’t conjure thoughts of sharks, but it does here at the Colorado Center for the Blind. That’s because for nearly a decade, Arapahoe Community College’s Biology Professor Terry Harrison has been conducting his shark dissection here with blind kids from around the Denver Metro…
Colorado Gives Day on December 8!
It’s only a month away – Colorado Gives Day 2015, and a great opportunity to support our programs and philosophy at the Colorado Center for the Blind! You know that we don’t just teach blindness skills, as important as they are, but aim for that belief in those blindness skills that lead to confidence and…
“Shared Visions” – A Collaboration with ACC’s Dept. of Art & Design
For nearly two decades, Colorado artist Ann Cunningham has been teaching art classes at the Colorado Center for the Blind. Initially drawn to us because she was curious about how blind people experience art (such as the stone carvings she produces), she has become one of North America’s leading teachers, advocates and innovators with respect…