Shared Visions #TactileArt Exhibit Opens Nov. 9: @ArapahoeCC @ArtACunningham
Editor’s Note: Here’s the announcement from ACC for this year’s “Shared Visions” tactile art exhibit. It’s the fourth year we collaborated on this event, and a highlight of the fall for our students and staff. The show will include work by CCB students and perhaps from one or two staff members as well. Worth checking…
2017 Garden Farewell
Master Gardeners and students joined forces one last time in mid-October to put our Legacy Garden to rest for the 2017 growing season. There were still a few things to harvest, mostly walking onions and mint, but the rest was clean-up. Still, it was a bright fall day and great to be outside and enjoy…
“I rang my Freedom Bell (again)!” Serena has a new job!
Editor’s Note: What follows is an e-mail Director Julie Deden received from Serena, a recent graduate of our Independence Training Program (ITP).Serena is the fifth ITP grad to find employment in the last month or so. It’s the best kind of news! We print the message with her permission. * * * Hi Julie, I…
Snow Already!
If you’re on the Front Range of Colorado this post won’t surprise you, because you drove/walked/bussed in a steadily-falling snow this morning. But let’s admit it – this 3 to 5 inches of snow is a bit early this year, just think of all those trees whose leaves have yet to drop! Tonight will be…
Pie-day Friday
There are always firsts at the Colorado Center for the Blind. For example, today Casey, a relatively new student, went on his first independent route to Romancing the Bean. Sure, he’d been there before, but not traveling on his own. And that’s what makes it a first. Adia has been at the center since August,…
Summer Was Fun, and Especially Our Saturday Science Day!
Here are a few pics from our Science Saturday way back in July! Studens rotated between three stations – basic chemistry, a station dedicated to weather, and a robotics class using Lego Mindstorms. With the first serious fall weather this week – misty rain, leaves turning and starting to litter the lawns and sidewalks –…
Youth Programs Receive Anonymous $10,000 Donation
Recently, we were elated to get notification that we had received an anonymous donation of $10,000 designated for our Youth Programs through our Colorado Gives portal. We often receive donations in this way and welcome every one of them. But such generous donations as this one are, not surprisingly, a little out of the norm.…
Soldering wires nonvisually is .. well, a BLAST! @BlackbyrdFly @COSpaceGrant
Somebody had to do it. So Jamie Principato decided she would take the skills she’d learned and taught herself as a blind Physics student involved with a Colorado Space Grant rocket project and teach them to other blind students. That’s where the idea of BLAST came from – Blind Learning All Skills Too launched on…
How many ways can the blind enjoy #Eclipse2017? #ShareLittleton
Quite a few, it turns out. Staff and students held an Eclipse Party to celebrate and enjoy the 92 percent coverage of the sun today. Students in Home Management prepared a black bean salsa and cookies to start things off about 10:30 this morning as we took time to learn a little more about the…
Thanks for stopping by for our 2017 #WesternWelcomeWeek Tours!
More than 70 people stopped by the Colorado Center for the Blind on Monday for a tour, and we’d like to send out a big “Thank you!” to all of you! This is the third year we’ve opened our doors for tours as part of Littleton’s Western Welcome Week. We’re always excited to meet new…