Category: General Colorado Center Information

  • Seniors Tune In with Assistive Listening Devices

    Four Seniors with earphones listen intently, pocket-sized receivers on the table in front of them.

    A couple of weeks ago Student and Senior Services Specialist Wayne Marshall presented this question to our Independence Training Program (ITP) students as part of Wayne’s Wednesday Word of the Week: “Is there a difference between listening and hearing?” Coincidentally, both our Tuesday and Friday Senior groups have been enjoying the benefits of really hearing…


  • Something’s in the air

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    Hey, there’s something in the air today, the first day of October! It’s coming from the kitchens here at the Center. Here’s the menu of what students are preparing this morning … and it’s just the morning class: Spaghetti bolognese ravioli with chorizo sauce & garlic bread Homemade pepperoni lovers pizza broiled lemon prawns with…


  • September, where did you go?

    A view fo Denver's skyline from the foothills

    Whew! So this is the way this week has been – really, the entire month! A small but dedicated cadre of staff and students went out for a good hike on Sunday at Mt. Falcon near Morrison, and just to the south of Red Rocks. Like rock climbing and our Urban Adventures program, we partnered…


  • Taking Time Out from Fishing: Two Recent Visitors

    Woman in sleepshades shows visitor a Tech Lab

    We’d like to acknowledge two special visitors that came for a tour of the Center on August 24. Bill Gideon is retired now, living in Longmont, but he served on New Mexico’s Services for the Blind Board from 1972 to 1984. He came to the Center with his friend Jo Anne Brubaker of Evans, and…


  • I’m Not Staying in my room anymore!

    A young man gives a senior woman a cane lesson on the stairs

    Six remarkable women made up our late-summer Seniors in Charge the week of August 31 to September 4. Ranging in age from 58 to 90, it didn’t take long to figure out that each of them were accomplished, dynamic people, and had been all their lives. They came to Seniors in Charge because they intend…


  • Cindy takes charge!

    Looking down the serving area over all the trays of food as Cindy stands telling us about what she prepared

    Cindy served a great meal to the entire Center on September 4 as the culmination of her program. She had lots of family from Arizona with her – her Mom and sister, with two little nephews, as well as her Aunt and Uncle and two of her cousins made the long road trip from Nogales…


  • YouTube Star Expert Advocate Joins WE Fit Wellness Team

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    (Editor’s Note: We’re pleased to share this press release from WE Fit Wellness, both because it involves our own Maureen Nietfeld and because the Center is an underwriter of WE Fit’s initiatives. Colorado Springs, Colorado (September 1, 2015). Today, WE Fit Wellness announced the addition of Maureen Neitfeld to their team of expert advocates. Neitfeld…


  • Andy earns his Freedom Bell

    Andy shaking his ceramic Bell of Freedom with a big smile

    On August 27 Andy graduated from the Center following eight months of joyful learning powered by an intense desire for personal independence. “I can’t teach hard work and motivation,” his Home Management Instructor, Maureen told . him. Andy was a role model of both characteristics. He rarely missed a day and accepted each day’s new…


  • Kudos for Wells Fargo Volunteer Faire

    Man seated before the CCB banner, flanked by tow other men

    Thanks to Wells Fargo for hosting its volunteer fair at the Wells Fargo Center at 17th and Broadway yesterday. Wayne Marshall and I represented the Center, and there were over 40 other nonprofits in attendance. Wells Fargo gives each employee 16 hours a year to be away from their jobs in order to volunteer in…


  • Another Tick Toward Fall

    Two women practice the use of a file on a white stone

    The days are hot, but the mornings increasingly cool, almost chilly, and the hot air stirs in the evening. The sound of those breezes, the sound of the leaves, has changed, though – just another tick toward fall. So we started up art classes with Ann Cunningham again on Monday afternoons and martial arts with…


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