Category: General Colorado Center Information

  • It may be the flowering of a great new partnership!

    three professional women smile while standing in front of a flowering crab apple tree

    We were excited to welcome Circuit Media leadership for a recent visit at the center. Rebecca, Lisa, Karen and Ellie sat down with Executive Director Julie Deden and members of the management team to discuss a possible partnership, including Circuit Media staff serving as volunteers and possible internships for students. (Rebecca, Karen and Ellie are…


  • Big Thanks for Big Success of May 14 Vaccine Clinic

    Two women in the 15 minute waiting tent on vaccination day

    Last Friday’s vaccination clinic here at the center was a huge success, and we want to give a huge shout-out to our partners, Vive Family Wellness, St. Benedict’s Health and Healing Ministry, and the Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition for helping us make it possible for 29 people to get their first Moderna shot on May 14.…


  • Youth Summer Programs Hit A Triple

    Cover of Mort The Mouse

    Youth Services Director Martin Becerra-Miranda has a lot to share right now – three exciting offerings from the Colorado Center for the Blind for blind youth and their families. We like to think of it as a dazzling summer triple! First Base FAST Saturday, May 22 Mort the Mouse Goes on an Adventure is an…


  • Center Hosts Walk-in Vaccine Clinic Friday, May 14

    COVID-19 Vaccine Viles

    Announcing … Colorado Center for the Blind Walk-in Vaccine Clinic When: This Friday, May 14, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Where: Colorado Center for the Blind (in the parking lot)2233 West Shepperd AveLittleton, CO 80120 We are excited to host a COVID-19 vaccination clinic with our partners for those 18 and older this…


  • If part of a tree falls …

    A man reaches into a shoulder-high tangle of branches

    As we explored the tangle of branches it became clear that we wouldn’t be able to simply clear it all away without a chainsaw. Here Martin sizes up the situation along the west sidewalk. Maybe we wanted to post this today because the sun is shining in these photos, and it’s been cold and rainy…


  • Vicki embarks on a new chapter

    smiling woman shows off her new necklace

    Vicki was happy to show off the amethyst necklace she received as a farewell gift, along with a bottle of rose water. A reign as Residential manager has come to a close. None has served longer in that role. Tuesday (April 27) after hours, staff threw her a farewell party at the center, but the…


  • Our First FAST In-person for 2021!

    FAST - (Fun Activities & Skills Training) logo

    March to the Beat of Your Own Drum Our first 2021 in-person FAST activity for youth will fittingly be all about movement, and a little music! Sign up for our April 24 FAST! Who: Blind students of all ages and their families Where: Colorado Center for the Blind,2233 W Shepperd Ave. Littleton, CO 80120 When:…


  • Waiting for the Next Snowstorm

    A snow person wearing sleepshades and pandemic mask

    Students built this snow person after a big snowstorm at the end of February, and named her Callie Rado, a true testament to these times as a student at CCB. When a foot of snow fell in late February, students leaped at the chance to make a snow person, as they called it. For those…


  • Walking the Virtual Halls at CCB

    A mostly black-and-white screen shot of the Zoom app, showing Breakout Rooms in Progress

    Moving out of your virtual classroom into the main “lobby,” you could very easily run into a classmate or another instructor, identifiable by their name in the participants list. Not by their video image, however, because of course class time, even remotely, is sleep shade time, too. Still, you might unmute yourself and exchange a…


  • “Katie Goes to Blind School” #ColoradoGives

    Colorado Gives Day Logo 12.8.20

    Good evening! This is the last blast for Colorado Gives Day. Promise. There’s still time to donate to the Colorado Center for the Blind at the Colorado Gives page And as your reward for clicking on this post, you get to meet Katie. She’s a career social worker whose degenerative eye condition interrupted her professional…


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