Category: Youth Services

  • Our First FAST In-person for 2021!

    FAST - (Fun Activities & Skills Training) logo

    March to the Beat of Your Own Drum Our first 2021 in-person FAST activity for youth will fittingly be all about movement, and a little music! Sign up for our April 24 FAST! Who: Blind students of all ages and their families Where: Colorado Center for the Blind,2233 W Shepperd Ave. Littleton, CO 80120 When:…


  • Announcing 2021 Summer Programs for Youth at the Colorado Center for the Blind

    Two smiling blind teenagers at Big Soda Lake near the mountains

    We are excited to announce three programs for youth ages 13 to 21 to be held in the summer of 2021! Two of the programs will be virtual and one will be a day program for students in the Denver metro area. The virtual programs will take place on the Zoom Cloud Meeting platform, which…


  • From the Director: Determination, Challenge, Creativity and Resolve #ColoradoGives

    Colorado Gives Day Logo 12.8.20

    Dear CCB Friends and Family – All of us at the Colorado Center for the Blind hope that each of you had a nice Thanksgiving. The year of 2020 has brought a great deal of determination, challenge, creativity and resolve to us at CCB. The determination came from the staff who are dedicated and committed…


  • CCB’s 2020 Virtual Summer Sessions for Youth – Join Us!

    CCB Summer Tech Instructor engaged with his laptop and Smart Phone

    (Editor’s Note: We don’t blame you for wondering what is up with our summer programs for youth. The coronavirus and the subsequent shutdown orders put us into a scramble, affecting not only our youth programs, but seniors and the Independence Training Program, too. Here’s an announcement from our Youth Services Director Martin Becerra-Miranda that should…


  • FAST on Pre-ETS: No, it’s not a “syndrome,” it’s Pre-Employment Transition Services! Join us Friday!

    FAST - (Fun Activities & Skills Training) logo

    Who? Blind students of all ages and their families What? CCB’s bi-weekly FAST Zoom call When Friday, June 5, 2020 at 7:00 pm MDT Where? We will hold this meeting on the Zoom Meeting platform Join the Colorado Center for the Blind this upcoming Friday, June 5, 2020 at 7:00 pm MDT for our bi-weekly…


  • FAST and Zoom, Zoom and FAST: Our FAST Program for Blind Youth goes virtual This Friday!

    FAST - (Fun Activities & Skills Training) logo

    Editor’s Note: Here’s some news from Youth Director Martin Becerra-Miranda. He’s been busy hosting lots of Zoom meetings for our staff and ITP students for the past month. But he’s also had time to think about what he wants to do with our FAST (Fun Skills Activities and Training) for youth, and maybe, just maybe,…


  • Happy Holidays! Thanks to All of You, Lives Change at the Colorado Center for the Blind

    Three young students stand in front of a medical vehicle, all wearing Santa hats

    Caption: Cristian, Shyanne and Kelly stand in front of the medical vehicle at South Suburban Fire and Rescue Station #12 on December 16. They had just delivered a box of holiday cookies and treats baked by students to on-duty fire fighters. In turn, fire fighters showed students one of the trucks and the medical vehicle.…


  • Grateful That Lives Change at the Colorado Center for the Blind #COGives

    Seniors - Dee, Duncan, Diane, Anahit

    There’s a lot to be thankful for at the Colorado Center for the Blind. As many families like yours will do today as they gather around the table, our staff and students shared what we were thankful for at our CCB family’s Thanksgiving feast one week ago. Not surprisingly, we are all grateful for one…


  • Turkeys and Ten Years of Colorado Gives Day #CoGivesDay

    Emily with a golden-brown Turkey she just took out of the oven

    Colorado Gives Day 2019 is December 10, and it’s the tenth year of this highly successful program to encourage online giving to Colorado nonprofits like the Colorado Center for the Blind. And were proud that we’ve been a part of Colorado Gives Day from the very first! Sure, we’ll gratefully accept donations any day, any…


  • FAST November: Kicking off the Holiday Season with CCB!

    FAST - (Fun Activities & Skills Training) logo

    The date of our annual FAST Thanksgiving activity has been changed from earlier dates you may have seen. Who? Blind students of all ages, families and teachers Where? Colorado Center for the Blind, 2233 W. Shepperd Ave. Littleton CO, 80120 When? Saturday, November 23, 2019 from 10:00AM – 2:00PM If we are expected to eat…


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