Dreaming of warmer weather? Announcing dates for our 2018 Summer Youth Programs!
Summer 2018 When it snows in Georgia, when it’s warmer in Atlanta, Idaho than it is in Atlanta, Georgia in January (I checked it, 32 versus 30 degrees) … Well, it’s time to talk about Summer 2018 and our residential youth programs! Below you will find the dates of our three residential programs, links to…
What is the Colorado Center for the Blind All About? #COGivesDay17
We put this video together especially to link from our Colorado Gives Day page this year for those who might not have heard of us or know exactly what we’re about. Colorado Gives Day is December 5, and donations received that day online receive a share of an incentive fund, as well as being subject…
Summer Was Fun, and Especially Our Saturday Science Day!
Here are a few pics from our Science Saturday way back in July! Studens rotated between three stations – basic chemistry, a station dedicated to weather, and a robotics class using Lego Mindstorms. With the first serious fall weather this week – misty rain, leaves turning and starting to litter the lawns and sidewalks –…
Youth Programs Receive Anonymous $10,000 Donation
Recently, we were elated to get notification that we had received an anonymous donation of $10,000 designated for our Youth Programs through our Colorado Gives portal. We often receive donations in this way and welcome every one of them. But such generous donations as this one are, not surprisingly, a little out of the norm.…
Soldering wires nonvisually is .. well, a BLAST! @BlackbyrdFly @COSpaceGrant
Somebody had to do it. So Jamie Principato decided she would take the skills she’d learned and taught herself as a blind Physics student involved with a Colorado Space Grant rocket project and teach them to other blind students. That’s where the idea of BLAST came from – Blind Learning All Skills Too launched on…
Weather, Robots and Chemistry: Summer Science Seminar is Saturday!
Blind people can and are scientists, even though too often blind youth are discouraged or set off to the side in science classes. With that in mind, each year we conduct a Saturday Science Seminar in conjunction with our summer programs. It’s not exclusive, however, as blind youth are invited whether or not they’re in…
Summer Youth Explore the Garden
Today we start up again after our annual trip to the National Fedeeration of the Blind Convention in Orlando, but the CCB summer students got back in the swing of things yesterday. Since it was our appointed gardening day with the Master Gardeners, summer students and staff got the privilege of bringing in the first…
NF Challenge Olympic Day 2017
There wasn’t time to sit still till lunch was served, but none were inclined to do so at Saturday’s #NFChallenge Olympic Day 2017. There were just too many things to try out – beep baseball demonstration with the Colorado Storm, judo and power-lifting, goal ball and tandem bicycling with Eye-Cycle! Everybody got to take a…
Fitness & Sports Tomorrow for #NFChallenge #OlympicDay2017! @WEFitwellness @USABA
It’s happening here tomorrow starting at 10 a.m. Thanks to our partners at WE Fit Wellness and United States Association of Blind Athletes (USABA). Contributing will be Eye-Cycle, Achilles Denver and members of the Colorad Storm Beep Baseball team. And at lunch there wil be a keynote address from current CCB studentChaz Davis, a member…