Category: General Colorado Center Information

  • Come one, come all! Tour CCB from 3-7 PM today for #WesternWelcomeWeek!

    two women at the front of a group toss a a hefty goal ball back and forth

    We’re excited to open our doors to the Littleton community once again during Western Welcome Week. We will give tours to all comers between 3 and 7 p.m. today. Our students will be in their classes and staff will talk about what we teach in each area – Braille, Cane Travel, Home Management, Technology and…


  • Summer Youth Explore the Garden

    Large group of Summer Youth out in the garden with their bags full of things they picked

    Today we start up again after our annual trip to the National Fedeeration of the Blind Convention in Orlando, but the CCB summer students got back in the swing of things yesterday. Since it was our appointed gardening day with the Master Gardeners, summer students and staff got the privilege of bringing in the first…


  • Celebrating Our Senior Programs in New Video!

    We’re proud of our senior programs and how they have changed the lives of seniors who have lost vision and the people who love them. We’re excited about how those programs continue to grow – from the residential Seniors in Charge (twice a year), to four support groups (one in Spanish), to ever-expanding opportunities to…


  • NF Challenge Olympic Day 2017

    CCB Summer students Mary and Cheyene get on the tandem bikes with EyeCycle Volunteers while Christina waits her turn

    There wasn’t time to sit still till lunch was served, but none were inclined to do so at Saturday’s #NFChallenge Olympic Day 2017. There were just too many things to try out – beep baseball demonstration with the Colorado Storm, judo and power-lifting, goal ball and tandem bicycling with Eye-Cycle! Everybody got to take a…


  • Shout out to our five skydiving students!

    a grinning young woman strapped to her jump-master gives a double thumbs-up

    That’s right, five of our students stepped out into the atmosphere last Saturday with Mile High Skydiving in Longmont. Bill, a long-time CCB volunteer and driver for the expedition, made a jump as well. The students organized this themselves made the plans and recruited the volunteers. So, here’s to Shane, Zack and Zach, Ashley, Lindsey…


  • CCB gets perfect score, Students & Board get to know one another

    CCB Board Collage

    The Colorado Center for the Blind received word in May that we had been recertified by the National Blindness Certification Board for another three years, and that we received the first-ever score of 100 percent following the onsite review. That news was reported last week to the CCB Board of Directors! Our distinguished Board of…


  • They’re coming today, the #CCBSummer17 students! 2016tells what’s ins store:

    Summer staff with canes crossed in the air

    That’s right, Summer 2017 students are all arriving today by planes, … well automobiles at least. Their counselors have been here for nearly two weeks, getting classrooms and apartments ready, creating lesson plans and getting in touch with the students – even finding out what them might like for dinner tonight! It’s the start of…


  • May 2017 CCB Students of the Month

    Dugan with his cane left and Ceci with her cane and sleepshades right both out in the front picnic table area

    Dugan (left) and Ceci (right) were chosen by CCB staff to be May’s Students of the Month. Each received a $5 gift card to Romancing the Bean, the nearby coffee shop at the Littleton Downtown Station. Dugan is from St. Louis, and was recognized for the hard work and determination he has shown in his…


  • Planting a Memorial Rose

    Isaac and Ron both gently set the memorial rose into the hole they dug for it

    Delma Taylor and her husband Ed have been attending our Senior Program for longer than anyone. Delma was the one who’d lost her sight, and Ed came for support and to give it as well. A few years ago Ed’s sight failed too, and they kept coming. Ed passed away in April and, the day…


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