Category: General Colorado Center Information

  • Gwendolyn Goes on to Her Next Adventure

    a woman prepares a salad.

    Gwendolyn finished at the Center in December and returned to Arizona. With her she took new skills and confidence and a plan to investigate the Business Enterprise Program. We all know what a wonderful cook she is – Braille, travel and tech were her training goals while she was with us. We wish her luck…


  • Farewell to Lian

    A woman presents a certificate to another woman, standing beside a podium.

    We said farewell to Lian, who returned to Beijing in December. One of her last accomplishments was in the public speaking class when she told us of the child born in Shanghai with disabilities who was so curious that she often took things apart to find out about them. That certainly rings true. Lian’s indomitable…


  • Salem: The Confidence to Succeed

    Young woman in sleepshades pours a sauce into a hotel pan

    Salem worked for two years to be able to come for training at the Center. She loves Braille, and more than once praised her Mom for insisting that her daughter be taught Braille when she became blind in middle school. After high school and a stint in college however, Salem began to realize that she…


  • Jerad Goes Paleo, Goes to College

    It was “paleo man’s” turn on December 3. That refers to his diet and his grad meal, for the record. “was that a great meal?” exclaimed Kimberley, who presented Jerad with his Freedom Bell. “I want to thank you for kicking my behind every day of my program,” Jerad told his instructors. For their part,…


  • The Gentleman from Missouri

    Curtis was the perfect gentleman as always during the love session at his graduation. He simply said “Thank you” with a grin, and continued to soak up all the praise and affection heaped on him by his fellow students and instructors. The praise is easy to understand. He cooked a great meal – feeding the…


  • Ahimsa’s Celebration

    student showing lettering "Life the life you want!"

    It was definitely a day to celebrate when Ahimsa graduated on November 12, 2015, and she was more than ready! She came away from her training with a positive sense of herself as a blind person and the satisfaction of knowing that she pushed herself through many barriers to reach this day. Her extraordinary laugh…


  • Holiday Season at the Center

    The holiday season is always a busy time as well as a family time, and it’s no different with our Colorado Center for the Blind family. While many were preoccupied with Cyber Monday, we brought in our tree and decorated it in the meeting room. Cookies were baking in all three ovens in the kitchen.…


  • Holiday Message from the Director

    Two men and a womanadd sleepshades and white cane to their snow person that has a carrot nose.

    We at the Colorado Center for the Blind appreciate your support! As a result of Colorado gives day we raised over $20,000. These funds will make it possible for us to serve more kids this summer in our Confidence camp and will also provide us with funds so that we can meet more seniors who…


  • Seniors: The Work Goes On After the Camera Goes Off

    Senior points to the furry white fringe of the Christmas stocking as a man holds the red toe

    While we received exciting coverage on 9News at the Center along with National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD) for Colorado Gives Day, and tracked our total as it rose, Tuesday, December 8 was a lot like every other day at the Center. That is, business as usual while potentially life-altering – one small step…


  • “White Christmas” from the CCB Student Choir

    As the air warms and the snow begins to melt, as our students and some staff head for the airport after the delays and canellations of mid-week’s storm have sorted theselves out, here’s a holiday message from (most) of our self-assembled student choir at the Center:


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