Category: General Colorado Center Information

  • We Believe In Our Students’ Dreams

    A view down the table of blind youth getting hands on experience making simple circuits

     Support Us Today You can’t pursue your dreams without first believing you can. With your support on Colorado Gives Day today, we’ll continue to work to confront the problem of low expectations for blind people in education, employment, and virtually every aspect of our lives. We teach our blind students skills, imbue them with self-confidence,…


  • This Is Positive Blindness Training at Work!

    Rhonda uses an oscilating power sander in style, wearing a shop apron and long gold earrings!

    As we come to you for support for Colorado Gives Day on Dec. 6, we want to share with you some of our excitement and pride in the growth and accomplishments of our students this past year. Blindness finds us in different ways and at different times of our lives. But what all of our…


  • We’re thankful for each other.

    Maureen, David, and Logan Looking at Artwork at at Shared Visions ACC-CCB Tactile Art Show 11-2022

    And we are thankful for your support on Colorado Gives Day, Tuesday, Dec. 6! The Colorado Center for the Blind is a training center and community of blind and low vision people proudly affiliated with the National Federation of the Blind. We believe blind people can do anything. Every day, we encourage and challenge each student—and…


  • Colorado Gives Day is 4 Weeks Away!

    A man on skis wearing a "Blind Skier" vest moves down a snowy slope at the direction of a guide behind him

    Vaughn Skiing at Eldora with his Ignite ski guide It’s Colorado’s biggest online giving event of each year, and just about our biggest fund-raising event too! It’s on the news, in your email box – just about everywhere. But just so you don’t forget, you can go online at and schedule a donation to roll over…


  • Celebrating founder Diane McGeorge’s 90th birthday!

    Diane told the crowd that she’s decided 90 isn’t enough, and she plans to make 100 years.Okay, we’ll start planning that party now! Yes, it’s the 90th birthday of our founder, Diane McGeorge. “Don’t ever give up!” That was the advice Diane gave to students and everyone else at a celebration of her 90th birthday…


  • DAR Donates Tactile Stars and Stripes

    Four women stand together, smiling at the camera as the woman with a white cane displays the flag

    Julie Deden shows us the Tactile Flag presented to CCB by the Mt. Rosa Chapter of the DAR. Shown with her, from left to right, are DAR members Marsha, Sally, Julie, and Kathryn. We were excited to welcome three members of the Mount Rosa Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) on Tuesday,…


  • Blindness adds Another layer to Privilege Walk

    Jamila leading a Privilege Walk Activity in the Gym

    A while back, the Philosophy class met in the gym and student Jamila Lane led us through a “Privilege Walk.” Jamila, from Atlanta, previously participated in Privilege Walks in both her undergraduate and graduate studies, but it was her first time leading one. “Disability added a very interesting layer to it,” she said, “because everyone…


  • Thank You, Littleton! Joy and Pride at Western Welcome Week 2022

    Makhai wearing parade number

    Makhai proudly wears No. 43, our Western Welcome Week Parade number for this year, and led the way for us down the parade route on Littleton Blvd and Main St. He didn’t manage to spare his voice, however, as he led chants and cheers. He was already going hoarse by the time we turned off…


  • Colorado Center for the Blind 2022 Summer Youth Programs

    A raft of summer youth lets out a yell as they dive into a churning hole of white water on Clear Creek.

    Build skills and gain confidence! Program Description  This 3-week residential  program will provide each student with the tools that they need to move forward in high school, college or on a job. You will: Live in an apartment with a counselor and a roommate.Learn from competent blind adults who use blindness skills daily.Plan, shop and…


  • Charity From Ashes: Colorado Center for the Blind Students Organize Donation Drive for Avista Hospital NICU Babies

    Taylor and Amanda hold up donated knitted preemie caps and a onesie

    The CCB Student Association has already collected many items, as well as Amazon gift cards to help out Avista’s NICU babies. Amanda Juetten (President) and Taylor Oesch (Parliamentarian) show off some of the donations, which include blankets, caps, t-shirts and more. With the start of any new year, hopes are high that the trials and…


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