CCB Senior & Alum Launches “the Tactile Traveler” Radio Program & Podcast @kdnkradio
You can’t keep Nicky out of the news. Glenwood Springs’s Nick Isenberg, who first attended our Seniors in Charge program and then came back to complete the Independence Training Program at age 73, is back in the news where he spent his professional career. This time it’s as “The Tactile Traveler”, the monthly radio program…
Join Us for Our Open House Today – It’s Part of Littleton’s 91st #WesternWelcomeWeek!
Come and tour the Colorado Center for the Blind today, August 12. Take a tour of our facility, meet our staff and students and learn what it is we do at – and why! We have been in Littleton since 2000 and appreciate the welcome this community has afforded us for these 19 years. And…
Catch These Words: Meet Current Student Holly Scott-Gardner & Words Worthy of Catching: @CatchTheseWords
Holly Scott-Gardner is from the United Kingdom. By many measures, she is a very successful woman, yet she wanted to come to the Colorado Center for the Blind for training. On her first day at the Center, she accepted the challenge to go rock climbing. She attended the National Federation of the Blind Convention with…
Run, Walk or Donate to the 2019 #6DotDashCO to Support Braille Literacy #ComeRunwithUs
Bring the whole family and #comerunwithus #6dotdashco. You can Read more about this year’s 6 Dot Dash 5K, or Go Straight to the Registration Page. The National Federation of the Blind of Colorado and the Colorado Center for the Blind are partnering again for our 2nd 6 Dot Dash 5k, June 29! Our first year…
Making Connections 2019 Agenda – Take an Early Look!
AGENDA MAKING CONNECTIONS THAT WORK FOR YOU 3rd Annual Career and College Seminar Wednesday, May 8, 2019 9:00 am: Registration 9:45 am: Welcome and Opening Remarks: Julie Deden, Executive Director, Colorado Center for the Blind; Diane McGeorge, Board Chair and Founder of the Colorado Center for the Blind; Kathleen Conti, Arapahoe County Commissioner 10:00 am:…
Signs of Spring
Sometimes spring arrives in Colorado in waves that feel like that bad bus driver, the one who alternately steps on the gas and then lets off, again and again, rocking you forward and back into half-nausea. That’s how it’s been this year – 80 degree days followed by an icy blast of wind and snow…
April’s FAST Saturday at @DenverArtMuseum #TactileTables
Join us for the April Fun Activities and Skills Training (FAST) on Saturday, April 13 at the Denver Art Museum. We’ll be exploring “Treasures of British Art” at DAM’s Tactile Tables. It’s art that is accessible to everyone, except that there is room for only fifteen in our group! Admission to the museum is free.…
The Blind History Lady Talks to the Tuesday Seniors
This morning, the Tuesday Seniors group hosted The Blind History Lady, a.k.a. Peggy Chong. Chong, a long-time member of the National Federation of the Blind, recently retired to Aurora from New Mexico with her husband, Curtis. For a number of years she has researched stories and records of blind Americans, some as far back as…
Meanwhile, down in the gym, a dozen blind students were dissecting dog sharks! @ArapahoeCC
These Denver high school students, Deya and Alma were two of the dozen middle school to college prep students who experienced all the sensory data of a spiny dog shark when they opened one up today at the Center. Well, except for taste. Thanks again to Arapahoe Community College’s Biology Professor Terry Harrison for leading…
Spanish-language Seniors Group Meets 3rd Friday of Each Month… That’s Tomorrow!
¿Habla Español? ¿Es una persona mayor? Ven al grupo de apollo los invidentes al Centro de Colorado Colorado Para Personas Invidentes. That’s right, we’ve started a seniors’ group for Spanish-speakers who are losing vision, have lost vision or are blind. It meets on the third Friday of each month from 1p.m. to 3 p.m. at…