Tag: Youth Programs

  • Learning from Blind/VI Role Models: Martin Featured in @CSDBBulldogs Video Series

    The Colorado Schoool for the Deaf and the Blind (CSDB) recently launched a great video series focusing on role models for their blind and deaf students. Our own Martin Becerra-Miranda, Director of Youth Services, is featured in this one:


  • FAST Scavenger Hunt: It’ll be a spooky good time… Or will it? Bwahahaha, come and find out for yourselves Oct. 10

    FAST - (Fun Activities & Skills Training) logo

    2019 – 2020 FAST Program (Fun Activities & Skills Training) A Haunted Scavenger Hunt Can’t wait for Halloween to get here? Want something to do on a Friday night? Never been on a scavenger hunt? Well, come and join CCB for a Friday night of fun! We’ll have plenty of activities to test your problem…


  • Kicking Off the 2019-2020 FAST Program This Friday!

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    “FAST” stands for Fun Activities & Skills Training, which is our monthly school-year program directed at blind youth and their families. FAST activities wil occur on either the second Friday evening or second Saturday of each month. Back to School: Setting goals, seeing progress, and finding success! Who? Blind students of all ages and their…


  • Run, Walk or Donate to the 2019 #6DotDashCO to Support Braille Literacy #ComeRunwithUs

    National Federation of the Blind of Colorado 6 Dot Dash 5K Logo

    Bring the whole family and #comerunwithus #6dotdashco. You can Read more about this year’s 6 Dot Dash 5K, or Go Straight to the Registration Page. The National Federation of the Blind of Colorado and the Colorado Center for the Blind are partnering again for our 2nd 6 Dot Dash 5k, June 29! Our first year…


  • April’s FAST Saturday at @DenverArtMuseum #TactileTables

    Tactile art at the Denver Art Museum

    Join us for the April Fun Activities and Skills Training (FAST) on Saturday, April 13 at the Denver Art Museum. We’ll be exploring “Treasures of British Art” at DAM’s Tactile Tables. It’s art that is accessible to everyone, except that there is room for only fifteen in our group! Admission to the museum is free.…


  • Thanks to @RepDianaDeGette for meeting with @nfbco during #NFBinDC, shown here with our 2 high school students!

    2019 HS Students at NFBinDC, L-R Ian Lee, Rep Diana DeGette, Deyannira Villa Cazares

    It was a busy time In Washington, DC that week of January 28. Okay, that’s an understatement. Congresswoman Diana DeGette was called down to the House floor for a vote just as we were getting off the elevator. (We know this because a bell rings in the House office buildings calling members to the floor,…


  • Here’s news about the 2 high school students who submitted successful essays to attend #NFBinDC with @nfbco:

    Drawing of the US Capitol with the NFB Logo and Whosits in front of the steps

    Editor’s Note: In the fall we invited blind Colorado high school students to apply for our first-ever scholarship to attend the National Federation of the Blind‘s annual Washington Seminar. Students were asked to submit an essay telling us why they wanted to go, and we selected two students to come with us. In fact, that’s…


  • How to get full, really and thankfully full on FAST Saturday!


    Saturday, November 10 was a full day – full of learning and, by about 1:30, we were all just full. Twenty-four came for our FAST (Fun Activities and Skills Training) Thanksgiving meal. A mix of blind youth, parents, teachers, staff and volunteers (and one little brother) made an early Thanksgiving meal, substituting chickens for a…


  • FAST (Fun Activities & Skills Training) Kicks Off the Year with Family Movie Night Friday #BlindYouth

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    Movie and Pizza for our first FAST Friday! That sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Even better is that we’ll be watching an audio-described version of the all-time favorite, “Toy Story.” It’s Martin’s favorite movie! Audio description provides information to blind and visually impaired viewers that would otherwise be inaccessible to them – short descriptions of…


  • Is summer really coming to an end? Our Summer Earn and Learn Students finish up their jobs Friday! #ShareLittleton

    Beth at the coffee machine behind the counter at Dirt Coffee

    Yes, summer is racing to its conclusion, especially for our Summer Earn & Learn students. for the past two weeks these high school-aged students have been work and getting paid. For many, it’s the first job they’ve had. For others, like Beth in the photo above, it’s her first job since becoming blind a year…


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